Cette partie réunit tous les sources nécessaires à la constitution du fichier exécutable
qui fait l'objet de ce mémoire. L'environnement est MSDOS en mode ligne de commande et
il faut disposer de NASM (disponible librement sous licence GPL) qui est le seul programme externe.
Le tout peut tenir sur une simple disquette.
A.2 : fichier LABELS3.PAS :
Pour assembler le programe, il faut effectuer 3 étapes qui peuvent
être réunies dans un seul fichier batch, souvent appelé M.BAT :
labels3 sp65.asm
nasm -o v.exe -l v.lst out.asm
resize v.exe
rem Pour lancer le programme si l'assemblage a réussi :
{ patche l'en-tête d'un fichier au format EXE }
program resize;
uses crt,dos;
var f: file;
n: word;
dumb: word;
n:=(n+511) shr 9; { division par 512}
{$G+}{$Q+}{$R+}{$S-}{$M 2048,0,0}
- remove the comments (->reduces the assembling time)
- replaces all the ^$xxx__ by ^_xxxnn
- creates an include file
beware: this naughty hack is a bag of bugz !
program labels;
var file_inc:text;
names: array[0..10] of string[20];
occur1:array[0..10] of byte;
occur2:array[0..10] of byte;
t:array[0..32767]of char;
u:array[0..16384]of char;
function streq(s1,s2:string):boolean;
var i:byte;
if s1[i]<>s2[i] then
until i>byte(s1[0]);
function new_char: char;
if l >= taille then
procedure write_char(c:char);
label wb;
if i >= 16384 then
label ok;
d:=' ';
e:=' ';
{removes the comments}
if c=';' then
until (c=char($D)) or (taille=0)
if c='$' then
if (d=char($A)) or (d=char($D)) then
{remplace le $ par un _ (plus sympathique pour l'assembleur)}
{constitue la chaine et cherche '__' }
until c='_';
{rechercher le label dans la table}
while j<nb_names do
{comparer la ligne et le label:}
if streq(names[j],str) then
if occur1[j]>9 then
if occur2[j]>9 then
writeln('trop de labels');
goto ok;
{label non trouvé: créer le label}
{1) copier le nom}
if nb_names>10 then
writeln('trop de labels');
if new_char<>'_' then
writeln('mauvais format: '+str);
{ writeln(str); }
until taille=0;
{ecrit le fichier de symboles:}
if nb_names<>0 then
writeln (file_inc,'start'+names[j]+':');
while (i<=l) do
if (i and 7)=0 then
write(file_inc,' dw ');
write(file_inc,i div 10);
write(file_inc,i mod 10);
if ((i and 7)=7) or (i=l) then
write(file_inc,', ');
until j=nb_names;
A.3 : fichier SP73.ASM :
;* *
;* Build with: *
;* labels2 sp73.asm *
;* nasm -o v.exe out.asm *
;* resize v.exe *
;* Then type: *
;* v *
;* to run *
;* *
; Description : real-time, interactive CFD program on a desktop PC.
; This program uses the FHP3 model with optimized algorithms.
; Entirely written in assembly langage, it provides the maximum
; performance available on a MMX-capable PC.
; Not only it is fast but it is also interactive and intuitive
; with a simple mouse-driven GUI and high display speed.
; It runs under raw real mode MSDOS though and is M$-Windows unfriendly.
; Being limited to 64MB of RAM by HIMEM.SYS, it can simulate
; flows up to 8000 (sqrt(64M)) * 2 (ideal FHP3 Re/cell) * 0.3 (maximum Mach)
; => Re=5000. Good knowledge of the FHP model and conventional
; Fluid Dynamics is necessary to obtain correct results (it's not a toy).
; The Galilean invariance problem is not treated here. You've been warned !
; This program has been written for a Master of MicroElectronics-
; MicroInformatics at the University Paris 8 - Saint Denis during
; the years 1998-2000 by Yann Guidon (whygee@f-cpu.org).
; The master book will be freely downloadable from the web site.
; This book can be considered as a manual for the making of the
; program, its theory and use.
; -*-*-*-*-*-*-
; Warnings :
; This program is placed under the GNU Public Licence (GPL).
; It is therefore free for any use, provided that the source
; remains in the package, and that the package remains freely
; available (without paying) to anyone anywhere.
; Look at your Linux distribution or www.gnu.org for further
; details on the GPL.
; This program is provided "as is" with absolutely
; no garantee of ANY kind, not even that it will work or
; fit to anyone's needs. You have to fully read the source code
; and its comments as well as well as all the provided files before
; attempting to execute the program. The author can not be held
; responsible for any damage caused by the program or its use.
; You're a grown up and educated boy, right ? So don't come cry
; on my shoulders, you've been warned.
; This is the usual message at the beginning of any GNUed file:
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; in the file GNU_General_Public_License, along with this program;
; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
; 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
; -*-*-*-*-*-*-
; Program requirements :
; Hardware :
; - PC with at least a Pentium MMX processor
; (tested successfully on Intel Pentium MMX,
; Intel Pentium II-266 and Cyrix/IBM 200MHz (true clock) CPU)
; - dual CPU support soon to be supported (the stub
; is ready but not the algorithm)
; - At least 4MB of RAM
; - a serial mouse connected to COM1 (IRQ 4 / base=03F8h)
; - a VESA2-compatible video adapter with 1024*768*256
; color capability (Use UNIVBE 5.1 if the card is
; not compatible with the VESA 2 standard)
; - at least several MB of hard disk space if you want to save pictures.
; Software :
; - must run in raw MSDOS mode (not in a Windows' DOS box
; or under Windows NT). The easiest way is to exit Windows 95/98
; and click on "exit to MSDOS". Or add "command.com" at the end
; of your autoexec.bat file.
; - No protected mode manager must be running. usually, there is
; EMM386 or QEMM386. simply comment them out in your autoexec.bat
; or config.sys file.
; - HIMEM.SYS must be installed in the config.sys file as to use
; the high memory.
; - the mouse driver (recent one preferred) must be installed.
; You can boot on a diskette if you prefer, or use MSDOS's
; multiple configuration capability. FreeDos has not been tested yet.
; The program will halt and display an error message if a problem
; arises. If no message is displayed, or the computer is frozen
; for a long time, then reset your computer. The program needs
; several seconds though to initialize the mouse and the screen,
; and one screenshot can require twenty seconds to complete,
; so don't panic.
; -*-*-*-*-*-*-
; The keyboard :
; (each key corresponds to one "button" on the screen)
; "Escape" : Quit
; (i don't use the Q key because its place changes from
; one keyboard to another [AZERTY/QWERTY...])
; Press Escape to exit the program. If in running mode,
; it will complete the current pass and exit. it will display
; a sandpile during completion.
; If an immediate exit is needed, for example during a long
; computation, press Escape three times, and the program will
; exit "cleanly" to MSDOS. It is provided as a way to always
; keep the computer under control if the program ever behaves badly.
; "P" : Play/pause
; Switch between run and stop states. the display is updated with the
; symbol corresponding to the current activity:
; - a "PLAY" symbol appears if the program is paused
; - a "PAUSE" symbol indicates that the program computes
; - a "WAIT" (sandpile) symbol indicates that the program completes
; the current computation pass before pausing.
; "S" : Step by step mode
; Each time "S" is pressed, the program computes one pass.
; To compute slowly, keep the "S" key pressed, and release it to stop.
; "R" : Reset the computation
; Stop the computation and reset the settings and the cycle counter.
; -*-*-*-
; The following keys are active only in "pause" state, when the "play"
; symbol is displayed:
; Direction arrows (left, right, up, down):
; scrolls the display (if possible)
; Page up / Page down:
; Zoom in / Zoom out
; "+"/"-" on the numeric pad:
; increase/decrease the strip count (the compute window's size)
; "C": Calibration
; Runs the computations for all window sizes, and finds which size
; gives the best performance. This changes the strip count to the
; best size, depending on only one parameter: speed. This may be
; influenced by any BIOS setting or keypress. The mouse is disabled
; during calibration but the keyboard can still "emergency" exit
; the program.
; -*-*-*-
; Two functions can only be accessed through the mouse in "pause" mode.
; The picture backup (snapshot") represented by a tiny camera button,
; ensures that the mouse cursor is NOT on the computation surface, so
; the pictures are "clean". The "screenshots" last about twenty
; seconds, and generate uncompressed BMP files from the display (700KB).
; The other function is the tunnel resizing. By clicking with the
; left button on the computation surface, one can change the size
; of the tunnel. If the tunnel is too large, the program simply
; exits with an error message.
; the code.
; to debug the AP and to know why it hangs:
;%define short_IDT
; comment this line out to enable the full AP IDT,
; 450 byte are then added to the binary.
;* Some definitions: *
; For the IDT and the GDT descriptors:
ID_CODE equ 10011010b
ID_DATA equ 10010010b
CODEmask equ 00001000b
CPL equ 01100000b
DEFAULT_32 equ 01000000b
BIG equ 10000000b
; for the APIC:
APIC_BASE equ 0FEE00000h
APIC_ID equ APIC_BASE + 020h
; For the serial mouse:
COM1INTR equ 0Ch
COM1PORT equ 03F8h
; colors:
NUMBER_BG equ 252 ; blue
NUMBER_FG equ 253 ; green
MOUSE_COLOR equ 254 ; white
BACKGROUND equ 255 ; black
; video: the code depends on XRESOLUTION=1024 !
; (multiplying by 1024 is shifting left by 10, which is much faster !)
VIDEOMODE equ 105h ; 1024*768*256 LFB
; minimum XMS memory size:
size_block equ 3000000 ; "3 MB should be enough for any scientist" :-P
size_kb equ (size_block+1023)>>10
; modifier block size:
Mblocks equ 5000
MBsize equ 16*Mblocks
; structure of a cell:
C equ 0*8; F E
B equ 1*8; ^ ^
D equ 2*8; \ /
G equ 3*8; A<--G-->D
A equ 13*8; / \
E equ 14*8; v v
F equ 15*8; B C
VB0 equ 4*8;
VB1 equ 5*8;
VB2 equ 6*8;
VB3 equ 7*8; "VB"="Video Biffer"
VB4 equ 8*8;
VB5 equ 9*8;
VB6 equ 10*8;
VB7 equ 11*8;
WALL equ 12*8; pointer to the modification list
CEL equ 16*8 ; size of a cell
; structure of the vertical, 2D buffer:
B2 equ 0*8
C2 equ 1*8
CEL2 equ 2*8
;* Memory layout at run time:
;* -16..-1: MCB (Memory control block)
;* byte[-16]=4Dh if not last block else =5Ah
;* word[-13]=size (in paragraphs) of the block
;* 0..255: PSP (Program Segment Prefix), pointed to by DS and ES
;* word[0]=21CDh="INT 20h" (program termination)
;* 128..255: Program command line parameters,
;* byte[128]=number of characters
;* first char at byte[129] (usually a space)
;* 100h: program starting point in real mode, RM setup, PM setup,
;* IRQ and trap handlers, fonts, initialized data
;* endfile: unitialised data,AP stack, AP jump zone (5KB), MP stack
;* BMP buffer (1K), modifier buffer (16K)
;* this EXE header creates .COM-like programs: IP=100h, CS=DS=SS *
;* but the stack and the memory are set by DOS, so we spare system *
;* calls, tests and the associated error messages :-) *
header_size equ 32 ; this is the simplest case
header_para equ header_size >> 4
add_mem equ 8192+MBsize ; required additional memory
; VBE blocks+AP stack+scratch+MP stack+BMP+modifiers
db 4Dh,5Ah ; MZ signature
dw 0 ; length mod 512 (can be 0)
dw 0 ; length div 512 + 1, may cause an error
; when the program's size increases
dw 0 ; no item to relocate (too complex and unuseful here)
dw header_para ; Header size in paragraphs
dw add_mem>>4 ; Minimum extra memory (paragraphs) to allocate
; (must be non zero for CS=DS=ES=SS)
dw add_mem>>4 ; Maximum extra memory (paragraphs) to allocate
dw -10h ; Initial SS (before fixup)
dw MP_stack_top ; Initial SP
dw 0 ; Checksum (=0->none)
dw 100h ; Initial IP \ (Executes the code just after the header)
dw -10h ; Initial CS /(before fixup)
dw 0 ; offset of the relocation table in the file
dw 0 ; (no overlay)
;pad here to align to para. boundary (was: "first relocation item")
TIMES 4 db 0
ORG 0E0h ; to be reduced as the header grows
; and now, we feel the same as in a .COM file :-D
;* Make sure the label tables are generated in the correct order *
$base__ equ 0FCh ; in the end of the PSP, there is no harm
$base1__ equ 0FCh ; $base1__ because there is not enough $base__
$base2__ equ 0FCh ; $base2__ because there is not enough $base1__
$base3__ equ 0FCh ; etc ...
$base4__ equ 0FCh ; etc ...
$base5__ equ 0FCh ; etc ...
$video__ equ 0FCh
$mem__ equ 0FCh
; and now we can use these labels safely.
;* Some data overwriting the already executed code *
DOS_IDT equ 100h ; 6 bytes (PWORD)
;AP_setup equ 106h ; 1 byte -> moved to a SMC
old_mask equ 107h ; 1 byte
SEMAPHORE equ 108h ; 1 bytes -> this one is used very often !
; it should not be on the same cache line as another variable
; to prevent bus overuse by the MESI system.
;* *
;* 16B CODE SECTION (Hardware setup in real mode) *
;* *
;* This part is executed only once, speed is not required but code *
;* size is a important. And since it is executed only once, some *
;* parts may be overwritten by data. *
;* *
;* DETECTION * before we do anything
; Pentium+ specific features:
; Never tested on NON-INTEL CPUs !
xor eax,eax ; will hang the computer if <386
inc al ; eax=1
cpuid ; CPUID with EAX=1 -> get processor characteristics
test dh,10b ; Local APIC -> dual P6+ detection
setnz [AP_setup] ; overwrites already executed code
; the multiproc code can be disabled from the command line:
cmp byte [80h],0
je no_SP_bypass
cmp byte [82h],'s'
jne no_SP_bypass
mov byte [AP_setup],0 ; disables the biprocessor code
shr edx,24 ; put bit 23 in the carry flag
mov dx,MSG_MMX
jnc the_end ; exit if MMX is not supported
; checking if in real mode:
mov eax,cr0
shr al,1
jc the_end
xor ax,ax ; detect the mouse driver
int 33h
inc ax ; AX=FFFFh+1=0!
jnz the_end ; we could branch to a "custom" routine
; for a mouse driver but it's not the purpose of this program
; gets the mouse parameters:
mov ax,24h
int 33h
inc ax
je the_end
cmp ch,2 ; check the mouse type
jne the_end
cmp cl,2 ; check the port (should be COM1)
jb the_end
; VBE 2 LFB setup :
; 1- detection
mov ax,4F00h
mov di,VbeInfoBlock
int 10h
mov dx,MSG_NO_VESA
cmp ax,byte 004Fh
jne the_end
cmp dword [VbeSignature],'VESA' ; check the signature
je not_the_end0
jmp __the_end ; at the end of the code
; 2- verification
mov ax,4F01h ; Return VBE mode information
mov cx,VIDEOMODE ; Mode number
mov di,ModeInfoBlock ; ES:DI = Pointer to ModeInfoBlock structure
int 10h ; this is important because we get the linear framebuffer address
cmp ax,byte 004Fh
jne the_end
mov ax,[ModeAttributes]
and ax,10100001b
cmp ax,10000001b ; D0=1(available) + D5=0(VGA) + D7=1(LFB)
jne the_end
; XMS:
mov ax,4300h
int 2Fh ; XMS detection
mov dx,MSG_NO_XMS
cmp al,80h
jne the_end
mov al,10h
int 2Fh ; get XMSpointer
mov [XMSpointer+2],es
mov [XMSpointer],bx ; Self Modifying Code (SMC)
mov ah,8
call far [XMSpointer] ; get the amount of free XMS
mov [XMS_SIZE],ax ; SMC
mov dx,MSG_NO_XMS
cmp ax,size_kb
jb the_end
;* now there's no error message, we can prepare *
;* the program (video+memory) for the mode switch *
; Sets video mode to 1024*768*256*LFB :
mov ax,4F02h
mov bx,VIDEOMODE+4000h
int 10h
; reset the text mode for the next message
mov byte [jmpshortlabel - 1],0 ; SMC
; modify the color palette: (normal VGA code)
mov al,256-(size_palette/3)
mov si,color_palette
mov cx,size_palette
mov dx,3C8h
out dx,al
inc dl
rep outsb
; Allocates the XMS block:
mov dx,0 ; SMC
XMS_SIZE equ $-2
mov ah,9
db 09Ah ; opcode for "FAR CALL [immediate]"
XMSpointer: dd 0 ;get the XMS block
mov [XMShandle],dx ; SMC
mov ah,0Ch
call far [XMSpointer] ;lock the block
push dx ; linear address in dx:ax
push bx ; popped later
; Sets the descriptors:
db 66h ; NASM doesn't like "mov eax,cs"
mov ax,cs ; that clears the high part of EAX.
mov [cs2],ax ; SMC, could also be done by the EXE header relocation
mov [cs3],ax
;;; mov [reloc_seg],ax ; provided by the EXE header
shl eax,4 ;base address in bytes
; relocates to the "absolute addresses"
mov di,start_base
mov si,[di]
add di,byte 2
add [si],eax
cmp di,start_video
jne loop_link
; relocation of the video addresses :
mov eax,[PhysBasePtr]
mov si,[di]
add di,byte 2
add [si],eax
cmp di,start_mem
jne loop_link3
pop eax ; we assume here that HIMEM aligns the block to a 1K boundary
add eax,1024
and eax,-1024
mov si,[di]
add di,byte 2
add [si],eax
cmp di,end_base
jne loop_link2
;Enable the A20 line
mov ah,03h
call far [XMSpointer]
;disable the interrupts
mov al,80h
out 70h,al ;set the NMI mask
in al,21h ; backup of the PIC mask
mov [old_mask],al
mov al,11101101b ; mouse+kbd
out 21h,al ;enable the COM1 + KBD interrupts in the main PIC
sidt [DOS_IDT] ; save the real mode IDT
lidt [NEW_SIZE] ; then load ours
; will be popped later by RETFD at the end of the mode change:
push word SEL_CODE_32
push word code_32
switch_PM32: ; entry point for the AP to switch to PMODE
lgdt [NEW_SIZE] ; our descriptor table
push dword 11000000000010b ;sets the correct bits in the flag register
mov eax,cr0
or al,1 ; sets the PE bit: "Protection Enabled"
and eax,~(3<<29) ; reset CD and NW to enable the caches (->bug!)
mov cr0,eax
jmp SEL_CODE_16:here
; fixes the segments to the right selectors
mov ax,SEL_REAL
mov ss,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,SEL_FLAT
mov ds,ax
;"calls" the 32b code
retf ; FAR return changes CS (the segment register)
; The 32b code returns here (if something wrong happens) :
mov dx,MSG_FATAL_ERROR ; nothing more to say...
; EOI (if an interrupt crashed the code)
mov al,20h ;code: End Of Interrupt
out 20h,al ;free the interrupt chanel
emms ; clears the MMX registers
; restores the cached part(s):
mov ax,SEL_REAL
mov ds,ax
mov sp,MP_stack_top
mov eax,cr0
and al,0FEh ; reset the PE bit
mov cr0,eax
db 0EAh ;opcode for a FAR JMP to the 16b code
dw back_2_real
cs2: dw 0 ;will have been set by a previous instruction
; Here we are in Real Mode:
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov ss,ax
mov es,ax
; restores the DOS environment
lidt [DOS_IDT] ;restore the DOS' IDT
xor al,al
out 70h,al ;NMI mask removed
mov al,[old_mask]
out 21h,al ; restores the PIC state
push dx
; free the XMS:
mov ah,4
call far [XMSpointer] ;disable the A20 line
mov ah,0Dh
db 0BAh ;"mov dx,imm16" ; SMC
XMShandle: dw 0
call far [XMSpointer] ;unlock the XMS block
mov ah,0Ah
call far [XMSpointer] ;unallocate the XMS block
; text mode:
jmp short no_text
jmpshortlabel: ; SMC
mov ax,3
int 10h
; error message ?
pop dx
test dx,dx
jz no_message
mov ah,9 ;dx=message
int 21h
mov ax,4C00h
int 21h ; Return to MSDOS
ProtectionErrorProc: ; dumps the processor state (useful when debugging)
pop eax ; get first (which ?) element from top of the stack
mov di,MSG_END-2 ; end of the ASCII number
call display_number_routine
pop eax
mov di,MSG_END2-2
call display_number_routine
pop eax
mov di,MSG_END3-2
call display_number_routine
mov dx,MSG_PROT_ERROR ; error message
jmp short Back_2_16b ; clean exit
mov bl,al
and bl,0Fh
cmp bl,9
jbe no_add
add bl,'A'-('9'+1)
add [es:di],bl
dec di
shr eax,4
jnz number_loop
;* DATA that should NOT be overwritten: (starting here) *
; RUN time error messages:
MSG_SIZE: db "Array too huge$"
MSG_FATAL_ERROR: db "Fatal error$"
MSG_FATAL_AP: db "AP fatal error$"
MSG_PROT_ERROR: db "Protection error:",
db 0Dh,0Ah,"Code: 00000000h"
MSG_END: db 0Dh,0Ah,"CS: 00000000h"
MSG_END2: db 0Dh,0Ah,"EIP: 00000000h"
MSG_END3: db '$'
MSG_CELLS: db "too many cells$"
;%ifndef short_IDT
;AP_DIV_0: db "AP div 0$"
;AP_DEBUG: db "AP debug$"
;AP_NMI: db "AP NMI$"
;AP_BREAK: db "AP breakpoint$"
;AP_OV: db "AP Overflow$"
;AP_BOUND: db "AP Bound$"
;AP_OPCODE: db "AP Invalid opcode$"
;AP_FPU: db "no AP FPU$"
;AP_COPRO: db "AP coproc. segment overrun$"
;AP_TSS: db "invalid AP TSS$"
;AP_SEGM: db "AP segment not present$"
;AP_STACK: db "AP stack segment fault$"
;AP_GPF: db "AP GPF$"
;AP_PAGE: db "AP Page fault$"
;AP_RESER: db "AP reserved$"
;AP_FPUER: db "AP FPU error$"
;AP_ALIGN: db "AP Alignment error$"
;The Global Descriptor Table is interleaved with the
;Interrupt Descriptor Table to save space.
;Entries 0 to 6 are not used.
align 8
dw 0
NEW_SIZE: dw New_limit ; Size of the IDT/GDT
$base__: dw GDT,0 ;base adress
GDT equ $ - (7*8)
;INT 7: segment descriptor
$base__: db 0,0,0,ID_DATA, 0,0
SEL_REAL equ DESC_REAL - GDT ;alias for the real mode return
;INT 8: Fatal error handler
ERR_VECT: dw FatalErrorProc,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;INT 9: Keyboard interrupt IDT descriptor
KBD_VECT: dw KbdHandler,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;INT 10: Flat segment descriptor
;INT 11: 32b code segment descriptor
$base__: db 0,0,0,ID_CODE,DEFAULT_32,0
SEL_CODE_32 equ DESC_CODE_32 - GDT ;the aimed 32b. code segment
;INT 12: Serial port, COM1 IDT descriptor
COM1_VECT: dw MouseHandler,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;INT 13: Protection error IDT descriptor
PROT_VECT: dw ProtectionErrorProc,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;INT 14:
$base__: db 0,0,0,ID_CODE, 0,0
SEL_CODE_16 equ DESC_CODE_16 - GDT ;the original 16b. code segment
New_limit equ $-GDT
;* AP IDT *
;AP_IDT_BASE: dw AP_IDT_LIMIT ; size of the AP's IDT
;$base__: dw AP_IDT_RELOC,0 ; base address
;%ifdef short_IDT
;AP_IDT_RELOC equ $ -(8*8)
;; start of the interrupt table:
;%ifndef short_IDT
;;INT 0: AP div 0
; dw APINT0,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 1: AP debug
; dw APINT1,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
; dw APINT2,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 3: AP debug
; dw APINT3,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 4: AP Overflow
; dw APINT4,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 5: AP Bound
; dw APINT5,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 6: AP Invalid opcode
; dw APINT6,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 7: no FPU
; dw APINT7,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 8: Fatal error handler
; dw AP_FATAL_ERROR,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;%ifndef short_IDT
;;INT 9: coproc. segment overrun
; dw APINT9,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 10: invalid TSS
; dw APINT10,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 11: segment not present
; dw APINT11,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 12: stack segment fault
; dw APINT12,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 13: GPF
; dw APINT13,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 14: Page fault
; dw APINT14,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 15: reserved
; dw APINT15,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 16: FPU error
; dw APINT16,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;INT 17: Alignment error
; dw APINT17,SEL_CODE_16,8600h,0
;;end of the interrupt table:
;%ifndef short_IDT
;; the AP interrupt routines:
; mov dx,AP_DIV_0
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_DEBUG
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_NMI
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_BREAK
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_OV
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_BOUND
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_OPCODE
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_FPU
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,MSG_FATAL_AP
; mov word[es:main_error_code],dx ; error code for the main processor
; mov dword[es:back_to_rm-4],0 ; exits the main processor
; halt ; shutdown
; jmp short endlessloop
;%ifndef short_IDT
; mov dx,AP_COPRO
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_TSS
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_SEGM
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_STACK
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_GPF
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_PAGE
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_RESER
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_FPUER
; jmp short AP_shutdown
; mov dx,AP_ALIGN
; jmp short AP_shutdown
align 16
; backup
; (The backup is not complete here because it takes several IRQs
; to complete the packet.)
push ax
push bp
mov bp,0 ; so that we can point to SS without
; using the expensive ss: segment override prefix,
; without even changing DS.
; the point of it all is to access the 16 bit segment
; that holds the mixed data+code part without speed loss
; and furious code bloat.
; option 1: change DS (slow: the processor lookups the GDT)
; option 2: SS override to access the data in 16 bit mode
; (since the stack is in the same place) but it requires a
; segment override prefix (a single byte that requires
; one cycle to decode, that is: slow)
; the [bp+xxx] form is a native 8086 form that uses
; ss as segment register, it is meant to be used as
; stack frame pointer. it is quickly decoded (no
; cycle penalty) and doesn't bloat much the code.
push dx
; read the byte coming from the mouse/COM port
mov dx,COM1PORT
push cx
mov cx,[bp+mouse_buttons]
in al,dx
mov dx,[bp+mouse_buffer] ; get the last byte in the queue
; first byte ?
test al,64
jz not_first
xor ch,ch ; yes: clear the byte counter
inc ch ; update the counter
; last byte ?
cmp ch,3
je other_byte
; update the variables
mov dl,dh
mov dh,al
mov [bp+mouse_buttons],cx
pop cx
mov [bp+mouse_buffer],dx
pop dx
mov al,20h ;code: End Of Interrupt
out 20h,al ;free the interrupt chanel
pop bp
pop ax
; end of the first part (the packet is not complete)
pushad ; save everything here, now.
push cx ; save the buttons
push dx ; save the byte queue
; MMX backup (interleaved with the other instructions
; to prevent write buffer overflows and other silliness)
; this is also useful to fill the pipeline stalls :-)
movq [bp+backup_mm0],mm0
;; the following piece of code extracts the X and Y deltas
;; (mouse move distance in "mickeys"). The code has been
;; optimized for classic Pentium dual-issue pipelines.
;; X and Y extraction have been interleaved to fill the
;; pipeline stalls due to data dependencies. The
;; remaining stalls have been filled by MMX backup instructions.
;; (what an excuse for ugly code !...)
;; Expect disastrous performance on PPro architecture,
;; because bytewise manipulations are expensive.
;; If i was Intel...
mov bh,dl ; extract X delta
and dl,12 ; ... Y delta
and bh,3
movq [bp+backup_mm1],mm1
shl bh,6
movq [bp+backup_mm2],mm2
or bh,dh
shl dx,12
sar bx,8
or dh,al
mov al,bl
sar dx,8
; acceleration:
imul bl
movq [bp+backup_mm3],mm3
mov cx,ax
mov al,dl
imul dl
movq [bp+backup_mm4],mm4
add cx,ax ; CX = dx*dx + dy*dy
movq [bp+backup_mm4],mm4
mov si,bx ; temporary copy of Xdelta and Ydelta
mov ax,dx
movq [bp+backup_mm5],mm5
cmp cx,byte 70 ; coef1 -> acc=2
jb no_acceleration
add bx,si
add ax,dx
cmp cx,160 ; coef2 -> acc=3
jb no_acceleration
add bx,si
add ax,dx
movq [bp+backup_mm6],mm6
; coordinates clipping in Y:
add ax,[bp+mouse_y]
jns not_neg1
xor ax,ax
jmp short not_sup1
jbe not_sup1
movq [bp+backup_mm7],mm7
; coordinates clipping in X:
add bx,[bp+mouse_x]
jns not_neg2
xor bx,bx
jmp short not_sup2
jb not_sup2
; ax and bx are not written back now because the cursor
; must be erased first.
; Coordinates in the tunnel space:
;;; mov cl,[bp+zoom]
; the tunnel size here is implicitely limited to 64K*64K (4G sites !)
;[12/3/99: is it sure ??? 32b ???]
mov si,ax
mov di,bx
; shl si,cl
; shl di,cl
; shr si,4
; shr di,4
add si,[bp+orig_y]
add di,[bp+orig_x]
mov [bp+tunnel_y],si
mov [bp+tunnel_x],di
; mouse button press ?
pop dx
pop cx
; left button click ?
test dl,32 ; the current status
jz near no_button_press
test cl,32 ; the old status
jnz near no_button_press
; on the bottom bar ?
ja mouse_bar
cmp byte [bp+pause_flag],1
jne near no_button_press
; resize the tunnel:
mov [bp+YSIZESMC],si ; coordinates in the tunnel space !
mov [bp+XSIZESMC],di
mov dword [bp+cycle_count],0
mov ecx,change_size
call SEL_CODE_32:return_relay
jmp no_button_press
push word no_button_press
;Button coordinates:
; Function start end
;Quit: 0 15
;Pause: 32 48
;Reset: 56 72
;Step: 80 96
;Calibrate: 104 120
;Strip - : 128 144
;Strip #: 144 176 (number)
;Strip + : 176 192
;ArrowUp: 224 240
;ArrowDown: 248 264
;ArrowLeft: 272 288
;ArrowRight:296 312
;ZoomOut: 344 360
;ZoomIn: 408 424
;ScreenShot:440 456
; QUIT ?
cmp bx,16
jbe near do_quit
cmp bx,byte 32
jb near no_plus ; nothing
cmp bx,byte 48
jb near pause ; ugly, ugly.... but we spare a jump ! :-P
cmp bx,byte 56
jb near no_plus
cmp bx,byte 72
jb near do_reset
; STEP ?
cmp bx,byte 80
jb near no_plus
cmp bx,byte 96
jb near step
cmp byte [bp+pause_flag],1
jne near no_plus
cmp bx,byte 104
jb near no_plus
cmp bx,byte 120
jb near do_calibrate
cmp bx,128
jb near no_plus
cmp bx,144
jb near strip_minus ; ugly, ugly...
cmp bx,176
jb no_plus
cmp bx,192
jb near strip_plus
; Arrow Up ?
cmp bx,224
jb no_plus
cmp bx,240
jb near scroll_up
; Arrow Down ?
cmp bx,248
jb no_plus
cmp bx,264
jb near scroll_down
; Arrow Left ?
cmp bx,272
jb no_plus
cmp bx,288
jb near scroll_left
; Arrow Right ?
cmp bx,296
jb no_plus
cmp bx,312
jb near scroll_right
; Zoom Out ?
cmp bx,344
jb no_plus
cmp bx,360
jb near zoom_out
; Zoom In ?
cmp bx,408
jb no_plus
cmp bx,424
jb near zoom_in
;ScreenShot ?
cmp bx,440
jb no_plus
cmp bx,456
jb near save_screen
pop di
; update the variables
mov cl,dl
and cl,48
mov [bp+mouse_buttons],cx
; Now that the MMX registers are saved,
; we can erase the old cursor (if needed):
call SEL_CODE_32:erase_cursor
; restore:
movq mm0,[bp+backup_mm0]
movq mm1,[bp+backup_mm1]
movq mm2,[bp+backup_mm2]
pop cx
movq mm3,[bp+backup_mm3]
movq mm4,[bp+backup_mm4]
movq mm5,[bp+backup_mm5]
pop dx
movq mm6,[bp+backup_mm6]
movq mm7,[bp+backup_mm7]
pop bp
mov al,20h ;code: End Of Interrupt
out 20h,al ;free the interrupt channel
pop ax
;* TINY SHARED ROUTINES (in the SHORT range ?) *
mov dword[bp+back_to_rm-4],calibration-back_to_rm
mov byte [bp+pause_flag],2 ;wait
; called on STEP order:
mov dword[bp+limit],0 ; compute only once
mov dword[bp+back_to_rm-4],run-back_to_rm
mov byte [bp+pause_flag],2 ; wait
;* called on RESET order:
mov dword[bp+limit],0 ; stop the computation
mov dword[bp+back_to_rm-4],reset-back_to_rm
mov byte [bp+pause_flag],2 ;wait
; called on RUN/PAUSE order:
push ax
mov al,[bp+pause_flag]
push ebx
xor ebx,ebx
test al,al
mov al,2
jz exit_pause
mov al,0
dec ebx
mov dword[bp+back_to_rm-4],run-back_to_rm
mov [bp+pause_flag],al
mov dword [bp+limit],ebx
pop ebx
pop ax
; called on EXIT order:
mov dword[bp+back_to_rm-4],0 ; exits the main processor
mov dword[bp+limit],0; stop the computation
; called on STRIP+/- order:
push ax
mov al,[bp+strip_count]
cmp al,32
jae no_strip_change
inc al
jmp strip_change
push ax
mov al,[bp+strip_count]
cmp al,1
jbe no_strip_change
dec al
mov [bp+strip_count],al
push ax ; ->stack pointer still aligned to 4 bytes
mov ecx,modify_SMC
mov esi,0
$base__ equ $-4
call SEL_CODE_32:return_relay
pop ax
pop ax
push ax
mov al,20h ;code: End Of Interrupt
out 20h,al ;free the interrupt chanel
push bp
in al,60h ;read the character from the kbd controler
mov bp,0
cmp al,129 ;ESCAPE key break code (that way, DOS won't get the break code)
jne no_exit
call do_quit
; emergency ?
dec byte [bp+escape_count]
jnz no_key
jmp SEL_CODE_32:back_to_rm
push word nothing
cmp al,25 ; 'P' make code
je near pause
cmp al,31 ; 'S' make code
je near step
cmp al,147 ; 'R' break code
je near do_reset
cmp byte [bp+pause_flag],1
jne no_plus_key
cmp al,74 ; '-' make code
je strip_minus
cmp al,78 ; '+' make code
je strip_plus
cmp al,174 ; 'c' break code
je near do_calibrate
cmp al,73 ; PgUp make code
je near zoom_out
cmp al,81 ; PgDown make code
je near zoom_in
cmp al,72 ; ArrowUp make code
je near scroll_up
cmp al,80 ; ArrowDown make code
je near scroll_down
cmp al,75 ; ArrowLeft make code
je near scroll_left
cmp al,77 ; ArrowRight make code
je near scroll_right
pop ax ; pop the tricky return address off the stack
pop bp
pop ax
; end of the first part (without a bar update)
nothing: ; second exit point for the KDB routine
push ax ; -> stack pointer still 4-byte aligned
mov ecx,display_bar
movq [bp+bmm0],mm0
movq [bp+bmm1],mm1
movq [bp+bmm2],mm2
movq [bp+bmm3],mm3
movq [bp+bmm4],mm4
movq [bp+bmm5],mm5
movq [bp+bmm6],mm6
movq [bp+bmm7],mm7
call SEL_CODE_32:return_relay
movq mm0,[bp+bmm0]
movq mm1,[bp+bmm1]
movq mm2,[bp+bmm2]
movq mm3,[bp+bmm3]
movq mm4,[bp+bmm4]
movq mm5,[bp+bmm5]
movq mm6,[bp+bmm6]
movq mm7,[bp+bmm7]
pop ax
pop bp
pop ax
;* ZOOM IN & OUT *
push ax
mov al,[bp+zoom]
cmp al,4
jbe no_zoom ; don't zoom more if already maximum
dec al
jmp short zoom_ok
push ax
mov al,[bp+zoom]
cmp al,6
jae no_zoom
inc al
mov [bp+zoom],al
mov word [bp+orig_x],0 ; should be further
mov word [bp+orig_y],0 ; analyzed !
mov ecx,reset_display
mov esi,0
$base__ equ $-4
call SEL_CODE_32:return_relay
pop ax
; vertical scroll:
push eax
mov ax,[bp+orig_y]
test ax,ax
jz no_scroll_change
sub ax,byte 64
jnc v_scroll_write_back
mov word [bp+orig_y],0
jmp short no_v_scroll_write_back
push eax
; do not scroll down if YSIZE<YRES.
mov eax,[bp+YSIZESMC]
; size adjustment here (zoom)
push cx
mov cl,[bp+zoom]
shl eax,4
shr eax,cl
pop cx
sub eax,YRESOLUTION-32
jb no_scroll_change
cmp eax,[bp+orig_y] ; ax=(YSIZE*zoom)-YRESOLUTION
jbe no_scroll_change
mov ax,[bp+orig_y]
add ax,byte 64
mov [bp+orig_y],ax
mov esi,0
$base__ equ $-4
mov ecx,display_tunnel_plus ; also recompute some stuffs
call SEL_CODE_32:return_relay
pop eax
; horizontal scroll:
push eax
mov ax,[bp+orig_x]
test ax,ax
jz no_scroll_change
sub ax,byte 64 ; coarse granularity, no scroll < 64, no further checks.
jmp short h_scroll_write_back
push eax
; do not scroll right if XSIZE<XRES
mov eax,[bp+XSIZESMC]
; size adjustment here (zoom)
push cx
mov cl,[bp+zoom]
shl eax,4
shr eax,cl
pop cx
jb no_scroll_change
cmp eax,[bp+orig_x]
jbe no_scroll_change
mov ax,[bp+orig_x]
add ax,byte 64
mov [bp+orig_x],ax
jmp short no_v_scroll_write_back
; here we are in 32 b mode !!!
;* ERASE_CURSOR: 32b part of the mouse handler
mov ecx,[bp+mouse_y] ; fetches the old coordinates
mov edx,[bp+mouse_x]
cmp ecx,0 ; YSIZE SMC
YSIZE32_0 equ $-4 ; SIZE SMC
jae do_cursor_erase
cmp edx,0 ;XSIZE
XSIZE32_0 equ $-4 ; SIZE SMC
jb no_cursor_erase
shl ecx,10 ; IF XRESOLUTION is 1024
and dl,0F8h ; align to a 8 byte boundary
movq mm0,[es:bg_color] ; load the background color
lea edi,[edx+ecx-(32+(XRESOLUTION*(CURSOR_LINES-1)))]
$video__ equ $-4 ; i'm rather amazed by this LEA :-)
movq [edi],mm0
movq [edi+8],mm0
movq [edi+16],mm0
movq [edi+24],mm0
movq [edi+32],mm0
dec cl
jnz loop_erase_cursor
; backup:
and ebx,0FFFFh ; keeps only bx and ax
and eax,0FFFFh
mov [bp+mouse_x],ebx
mov [bp+mouse_y],eax
; IF the cursor is over the bottom bar,
; refresh its contents
push dword common_return_address
cmp eax,YRESOLUTION-32
jae near display_bar
; else simply display the cursor
jmp no_bar_update ; branch optimisation to do here ???
return_relay: ; this simple function is merged with erase_cursor (saves some bytes :-D)
call ecx
db 066h ; caller=16b
;;* *
;;* AP CODE *
;;* *
;; this is run during the configuration detection
; mov ax,cs
; mov ds,ax
; lock
; inc byte [processor_count]
; hlt
;; this is the real start
;AP_RUN: ; in real mode
; mov ax,cs
; mov ds,ax
; mov ss,ax
; mov sp,AP_stack
; lidt [AP_IDT_BASE]
; push word SEL_CODE_32
; push word AP_32
; jmp switch_PM32 ; "calls" the PMODE switch routine
;AP_32: ; AP entry point in 32b protected mode
;;******************** AP RUN ********************
; jmp AP_mainloop
;* WAIT *
wait_routine: ; little wait loop
mov eax,3000000
dec eax
jnz wait_INIT
call change_size
; detect_AP
mov al,0
AP_setup equ $-1
; test al,al
; jz near halte
;;********** AP DETECTION **********
;; Here we test the multiprocessing capabilities
; mov byte [es:AP_setup],0 ; reset the flag, in case the APIC is connected to nothing else
;; 1) We reset the other processor(s) (in case they were already running)
; mov dword [APIC_ICR_LO],0C0500h ; broadcast INIT signal
;; 2) We setup some code to jump to.
;; this code is simply a JMP to a fixed destination,
;; but the JUMP must be aligned on a 4KB boundary.
; mov edi,AP_landing_zone+4095
;$base__ equ $-4
; and edi,0FF000h
; mov byte [edi], 0EAh ; JMP opcode
; mov dword [edi+1],AP_INIT ;
;reloc_seg equ $-2 ; sensitive code !
;; give some time for the processors to reset
; call wait_routine
;; 3) We command the other processor(s) to start
;; executing the detection routine
; mov ebx,edi
; shr ebx,12
; or ebx,0C0600h ; SIPI signal
; mov [APIC_ICR_LO],ebx ; send the signal
;; another little wait loop (during which
;; the other processor(s) write to the (SMC) variable)
; call wait_routine
;; 4) check if exactly one other processor is present
; mov al,0 ; (SMC)
;processor_count equ $-1
; cmp al,1
; jne halte ; if not one other processor, run the monoprocessor program
;; set the semaphore to 0
; mov byte [es:SEMAPHORE],0
;; 5) reset the AP (once again)
; mov dword [APIC_ICR_LO],0C0500h ; broadcast INIT
;; change the destination of the jump to the initialisation routine
; mov word [edi+1],AP_RUN ; points to another starting routine
;; setup some variables
;; mov byte [es:AP_setup],1 ; now, we are sure the APIC is connected to another processor
;; mov dword [es:MP_label],main_loop_MP-(MP_label+4) ; SMC !
;; mov dword [es:MP_label2],main_loop_MP-(MP_label2+4) ; SMC !
;; Wait for the INIT to complete
; call wait_routine
;; 6) restart the AP
; mov [APIC_ICR_LO],ebx ; SIPI
jmp halte
; mov dword [APIC_ICR_LO],0C0500h ; INIT signal to the AP(s)
mov dx,0
main_error_code equ $-2
jmp SEL_CODE_16:Back_2_16b
; Parameters: none
; registers used: all (no mercy !)
mov esi,0 ; as to avoid prefixes or similar worries
$base__ equ $-4
; update the random number generator:
add eax,edx
;;;; add [esi+RANDOM],eax
;;;; add [esi+RANDOM+4],eax
mov eax,[esi+XSIZESMC]
mov ebx,[esi+YSIZESMC]
; eax=XSIZE
; ebx=YSIZE
; other registers: used and trashed
; 1) round the size to nearest
add eax, byte 31
add ebx, byte 3
and al,~(64-1)
and bl,~(8-1)
; 2) size clip ; probably CMPXCHG could help here
cmp eax,256 ; minimum: 2*64(MMX)*2(columns)
jae no_eax_SP
mov eax,256
cmp ebx,256 ; minimum: 32(maximum strip mining)*4(synchronized parts)
jae no_ebx_SP
mov ebx,256
cmp eax,0FF00h ; maximum: 64K-256
jb no_eax_SP2
mov eax,0FF00h;
cmp ebx,0FF00h ; maximum: 64K-256
jb no_ebx_SP2
mov ebx,0FF00h
; 3) check if enough memory (does a dirty exit :-()
mov ecx,eax
mov edx,ebx
inc edx ; garde
imul ecx,edx
push ecx
lea edx,[eax*5] ; compute the buffer's size
shl edx,3 ; edx=XSIZE*80*32/64=(XSIZE*5)*8
lea ecx,[edx+1023] ; round up 1KB
shr ecx,10
cmp ecx,65535
ja near back_to_rm
cmp cx,[esi+XMS_SIZE]
ja near back_to_rm
; backup:
mov [esi+XSIZESMC],eax
mov [esi+YSIZESMC],ebx
; 4) modify the constants in the instructions:
call modify_SMC
; 5) clean the tunnel
mov edi,0
$mem__ equ $-4
pop ecx
push edi
add ecx,edi
pxor mm0,mm0
align 16
movq [edi],mm0
movq [edi+8],mm0 ; this is enough to saturate the data bus !
add edi,16
cmp edi,ecx
jb loop_fill_mem1
pop edi
add edi,[esi+XSIZESMC]
add edi,[esi+XSIZESMC]
sub ecx,[esi+XSIZESMC]
sub ecx,[esi+XSIZESMC]
%ifdef gilbruz
pcmpeqb mm0,mm0 ; mm0=-1
; psrlq mm0,10
; psllq mm0,5
movq [edi+(CEL*0)+A],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*0)+B],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*0)+C],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*0)+D],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*0)+E],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*0)+F],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*0)+G],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*1)+A],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*1)+B],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*1)+C],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*1)+D],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*1)+E],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*1)+F],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*1)+G],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*2)+A],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*2)+B],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*2)+C],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*2)+D],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*2)+E],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*2)+F],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*2)+G],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*3)+A],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*3)+B],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*3)+C],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*3)+D],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*3)+E],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*3)+F],mm0
movq [edi+(CEL*3)+G],mm0
add edi,[esi+XSIZESMC]
cmp edi,ecx
jb near loop_fill2
%define test_vectors_on
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov eax,[esi+XSIZESMC]
lea ebx,[eax*8]
lea ecx,[eax*5]
add edi,ecx
lea edi,[edi+eax*4]
push edi
mov edx,edi
; A+G -> F+B
mov al,1000001b
call test_vector
mov al,0100001b
call test_vector
mov al,0010001b
call test_vector
mov al,0001001b
call test_vector
mov al,0000101b
call test_vector
mov al,0000011b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; F+B -> A+G
mov al,1010000b
call test_vector
mov al,0101000b
call test_vector
mov al,0010100b
call test_vector
mov al,0001010b
call test_vector
mov al,1000100b
call test_vector
mov al,0100010b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+D -> B+E or C+F
mov al,1001000b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
mov al,0100100b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
mov al,0010010b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+C+G -> A+B+D or B+C+F
mov al,1010001b
call test_vector
mov al,0101001b
call test_vector
mov al,0010101b
call test_vector
mov al,0001011b
call test_vector
mov al,1000101b
call test_vector
mov al,0100011b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+B+E -> (?
mov al,1100100b
call test_vector
mov al,0110010b
call test_vector
mov al,1011000b
call test_vector
mov al,0101100b
call test_vector
mov al,0010110b
call test_vector
mov al,1001010b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+C+F -> (?
mov al,1010010b
call test_vector
mov al,1101000b
call test_vector
mov al,0110100b
call test_vector
mov al,0011010b
call test_vector
mov al,1001100b
call test_vector
mov al,0100110b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+D+G -> B+D+F or A+C+E
mov al,1001001b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
mov al,0100101b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
mov al,0010011b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+C+E -> B+E+G or A+D+G or C+F+G
mov al,1010100b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
call test_vector3
mov al,0101010b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
call test_vector3
pop edi
lea edi, [edi+8*ebx]
lea edi, [edi+8*ebx]
push edi
mov edx,edi
; A+G -> F+B
mov al,0111110b
call test_vector
mov al,1011110b
call test_vector
mov al,1101110b
call test_vector
mov al,1110110b
call test_vector
mov al,1111010b
call test_vector
mov al,1111100b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; F+B -> A+G
mov al,0101111b
call test_vector
mov al,1010111b
call test_vector
mov al,1101011b
call test_vector
mov al,1110101b
call test_vector
mov al,0111011b
call test_vector
mov al,1011101b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+D -> B+E or C+F
mov al,0110111b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
mov al,1011011b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
mov al,1101101b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+C+G -> A+B+D or B+C+F
mov al,0101110b
call test_vector
mov al,1010110b
call test_vector
mov al,1101010b
call test_vector
mov al,1110100b
call test_vector
mov al,0111010b
call test_vector
mov al,1011100b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+B+E -> (?
mov al,0011011b
call test_vector
mov al,1001101b
call test_vector
mov al,0100111b
call test_vector
mov al,1010011b
call test_vector
mov al,1101001b
call test_vector
mov al,0110101b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+C+F -> (?
mov al,0101101b
call test_vector
mov al,0010111b
call test_vector
mov al,1001011b
call test_vector
mov al,1100101b
call test_vector
mov al,0110011b
call test_vector
mov al,1011001b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+D+G -> B+D+F or A+C+E
mov al,0110110b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
mov al,1011010b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
mov al,1101100b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+C+E+G -> B+E+G or A+D+G or C+F+G
mov al,1010101b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
call test_vector3
mov al,0101011b
call test_vector
call test_vector2
call test_vector3
pop edi
lea edi, [edi+8*ebx]
lea edi, [edi+8*ebx]
mov edx,edi
; counter-verifications :
mov al,1b
call test_vector
mov al,1111110b
call test_vector
mov al,1111111b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+B
mov al,1100000b
call test_vector
mov al,0110000b
call test_vector
mov al,0011000b
call test_vector
mov al,0001100b
call test_vector
mov al,0000110b
call test_vector
mov al,1000010b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+B+G
mov al,1100001b
call test_vector
mov al,0110001b
call test_vector
mov al,0011001b
call test_vector
mov al,0001101b
call test_vector
mov al,0000111b
call test_vector
mov al,1000011b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+B+C
mov al,1110000b
call test_vector
mov al,0111000b
call test_vector
mov al,0011100b
call test_vector
mov al,0001110b
call test_vector
mov al,1000110b
call test_vector
mov al,1100010b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+B+C+G
mov al,1110001b
call test_vector
mov al,0111001b
call test_vector
mov al,0011101b
call test_vector
mov al,0001111b
call test_vector
mov al,1000111b
call test_vector
mov al,1100011b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+B+C+D
mov al,1111000b
call test_vector
mov al,0111100b
call test_vector
mov al,0011110b
call test_vector
mov al,1001110b
call test_vector
mov al,1100110b
call test_vector
mov al,1110010b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+B+C+D+G
mov al,1111001b
call test_vector
mov al,0111101b
call test_vector
mov al,0011111b
call test_vector
mov al,1001111b
call test_vector
mov al,1100111b
call test_vector
mov al,1110011b
call test_vector
lea edi,[edx+CEL]
mov edx,edi
; A+B+C+D+E+G
mov al,1111101b
call test_vector
mov al,1111101b
call test_vector
mov al,0111111b
call test_vector
mov al,1011111b
call test_vector
mov al,1101111b
call test_vector
mov al,1110111b
call test_vector
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
call create_modify_lists
; 6) and now, reset the display
mov edi,0
$video__ equ $-4
movq mm0,[esi+bg_color]
movq [edi],mm0
movq [edi+8],mm0
add edi, byte 16
$video__ equ $-4
jb loop_fill_bg_SP
; Coordinates in the tunnel space:
mov eax,[esi+mouse_y]
mov ebx,[esi+mouse_x]
mov cl,[esi+zoom]
shl eax,cl
shl ebx,cl
shr eax,4
shr ebx,4
add eax,[esi+orig_y]
add ebx,[esi+orig_x]
mov [esi+tunnel_y],eax
mov [esi+tunnel_x],ebx
call modify_zoom
call display_tunnel
; 7) Display the bottom bar
; Nota (bene bene): I removed the call and the ret,
; avoided the nasty jump trick by merging the routines.
display_bar: ; used by the mouse handler, change_size, pause...
; it first displays the numbers (mouse coord etc) then displays the cursor
; parameters:
; (none)
; used:
; edi:screen coordinates
; edx:displayed symbol
; ebx:char count, etc.
; cycles, count:
call display_cycles
; QUIT button
$video__ equ $-4
mov edx,QUIT
call display_number
; PLAY button
add edi,byte 32
mov dl,PLAY
add dl,[es:pause_flag]
call display_number
; RESET button
add edi,byte 24
mov dl,RAZ
call display_number
; STEP button:
add edi,byte 24
mov dl,STEP
call display_number
add edi,byte 80
mov eax,[es:strip_count]
xor edx,edx
mov bl,2
call display_count
; +&- buttons:
cmp byte [es:pause_flag],1
jne no_plus_minus_cal
mov dl,MINUS
call display_number
; CALIBRATE button:
sub edi,byte 24
call display_number
add edi,byte 72
mov dl,PLUS
call display_number
jmp short no_space
mov dl,SPACE
call display_number
sub edi,byte 24
call display_number
add edi,byte 72
call display_number
add edi,byte 48
mov dl,ARROW_UP
call display_number
add edi,byte 24
call display_number
add edi,byte 24
call display_number
add edi,byte 24
call display_number
add edi,byte 48
mov dl,ZOOM_OUT
call display_number
add edi,byte 64
mov dl,ZOOM_IN
call display_number
add edi,byte 32
call display_number
sub edi,48
mov eax,[es:zoom]
sub eax,4
; absolute value: (should be computed somewhere else !)
mov edx,eax
sar edx,31 ; edx=FFFF.. or 0
xor eax,edx
sub eax,edx; inc eax (or not).
mov bl,2
xor edx,edx ; forget it if you want to trigger a DIV/0 trap.
call display_count
mov dl,PLUS
sbb dl,0
call display_number
no_bar_update: ; jumped here from erase_cursor
; display mouse_Y (tunnel space)
mov eax,[es:tunnel_y]
$video__ equ $-4
mov bl,5
xor edx,edx ; forget it if you want to trigger a DIV/0 trap.
call display_count
; display mouse_X (tunnel space)
sub edi,byte 8
mov eax,[es:tunnel_x]
mov bl,5
call display_count
; display the cursor
mov eax,[es:mouse_y]
mov ebx,[es:mouse_x]
jmp display_cursor
; no ret... display_cursor does it for us.
align 16
display_cycles: ; display the Time Stamp Counter:
; used:
; edx,edi,ebx,eax (non terminal)
mov eax,[TSC]
$base__ equ $-4
xor edx,edx
$video__ equ $-4
mov bl,10 ; character counter
call display_count
mov eax,[cycle_count]
$base__ equ $-4
sub edi,byte 24
mov bl,10
call display_count
%ifdef test_vectors_on
add edi,ebx
test al,10000b
jz not_C
mov byte [edi+C+4], 100000b
test al,100000b
jz not_B
mov word [edi+B+4], 10000000000b
add edi,ecx
test al,1b
jz not_G
mov word [edi+G+4], 100000000b
test al,1000b
jz not_D
mov byte [edi+D+4], 1000b
test al,1000000b
jz not_A
mov word [edi+A+4], 10000000000000b
add edi,ecx
test al,100b
jz not_E
mov byte [edi+E+4], 100000b
test al,10b
jz not_F
mov word [edi+F+4], 10000000000b
add edi,ebx
test al,10000b
jz not_C2
mov byte [edi+C+4], 100b
test al,100000b
jz not_B2
mov word [edi+B+4], 10000000b
add edi,ecx
test al,1b
jz not_G2
mov byte [edi+G+4], 100000b
test al,1000b
jz not_D2
mov byte [edi+D+4], 1b
test al,1000000b
jz not_A2
mov word [edi+A+4], 10000000000b
add edi,ecx
test al,100b
jz not_E2
mov byte [edi+E+4], 100b
test al,10b
jz not_F2
mov word [edi+F+4], 10000000b
add edi,ebx
test al,10000b
jz not_C3
mov byte [edi+C+4], 1000b
test al,100000b
jz not_B3
mov word [edi+B+4], 100000000b
add edi,ecx
test al,1b
jz not_G3
mov byte [edi+G+4], 1000000b
test al,1000b
jz not_D3
mov byte [edi+D+4], 10b
test al,1000000b
jz not_A3
mov word [edi+A+4], 100000000000b
add edi,ecx
test al,100b
jz not_E3
mov byte [edi+E+4], 1000b
test al,10b
jz not_F3
mov word [edi+F+4], 100000000b
modify_zoom: ; Zoom dependent code
; used:eax,ebx,ecx
; esi=base
; ZOOM SMC: calls the right routine
cmp byte [esi+zoom],4 ; zoom=1:1
jne zoom_sel_2
mov dword [esi+DISPLAYLINE_SMC1],display_line-(DISPLAYLINE_SMC1+4)
mov dword [esi+DISPLAYLINE_SMC2],display_line-(DISPLAYLINE_SMC2+4)
jmp short end_sel_zoom
cmp byte [esi+zoom],5 ; zoom=1:1
jne zoom_sel_3
mov dword [esi+DISPLAYLINE_SMC1],display_line2-(DISPLAYLINE_SMC1+4)
mov dword [esi+DISPLAYLINE_SMC2],display_line2-(DISPLAYLINE_SMC2+4)
jmp short end_sel_zoom
mov dword [esi+DISPLAYLINE_SMC1],display_line4-(DISPLAYLINE_SMC1+4)
mov dword [esi+DISPLAYLINE_SMC2],display_line4-(DISPLAYLINE_SMC2+4)
mov eax,[esi+XSIZESMC]
mov ebx,[esi+YSIZESMC]
; clip these ones to the screen resolution:
cmp eax,ecx
jae no_clip_XR
mov ecx,eax
mov [esi+XSIZE32_0],ecx ; erase_cursor
mov [esi+XSIZE32_5],ecx ; display_line
mov [esi+XSIZE32_6],ecx ; display_line
mov ecx,YRESOLUTION-32
cmp ebx,ecx
jae no_clip_YR
mov ecx,ebx
mov [esi+YSIZE32_0],ecx ; erase_cursor
; not a cool problem:
push eax
shr eax,1
cmp eax,ecx
jae no_clip_XR3
mov ecx,eax
mov [esi+XSIZE32_7],ecx ; display_line2
shr eax,1
cmp eax,ecx
jae no_clip_XR4
mov ecx,eax
mov [esi+XSIZE32_9],ecx ; display_line4
pop eax
;used: eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi
; esi points to the code segment
;output ebx=YSIZE/2 !
call modify_zoom ; loads eax and ebx
; modification to the first plan: one cell= 64 bytes = 64 sites,
; the cells are all aligned to cache lines and prevents intempestive
; traffic on the bus in multiprocessor configurations (MESI traffic)
; the first intent was to have one descriptor per line but the
; linked list would be too big. We need one descriptor per cell,
; to reduce the size of the linked list, and simplify the multiprocessing
; code. other advantages:
; -we can make "capilarity" or "sticking" walls.
; -we can display the walls with another color that is distinct
; from the "fluid"
; -we can avoid to count (in the density summation) the cells which
; have a wall.
; the first part of the WALL part of the cell is used to hold a pointer
; to the linked list. The second part is a pointer to executable code.
; these pointers are not "executed" when "null".
; SP only:
mov [esi+YSIZE32_2],ebx ; SP_run
mov [esi+WIDTH],eax ; SP_run
mov [esi+WIDTH2],eax
mov [esi+WIDTH3],eax
mov [esi+WIDTH4],eax
mov [esi+WIDTH5],eax
mov ecx,F
sub ecx,eax
mov [esi+_LINE_F],ecx
mov [esi+_LINE_F2],ecx
mov ecx,F-CEL
sub ecx,eax
mov [esi+_LINE_F_CELL],ecx
mov [esi+_LINE_F_CELL2],ecx
mov ecx,E
sub ecx,eax
mov [esi+_LINE_E],ecx
mov [esi+_LINE_E2],ecx ; (-XSIZE)+E
; mov [esi+_LINE_E3],ecx
; add ecx,CEL
; mov [esi+_LINE_E_CELL],ecx
mov ecx,eax
imul ecx,ebx ; size of the tunnel
add ecx,dword 0
$mem__ equ $-4
;>TRIGGER_1 equ $-4 ; (YSIZE*LINE)+mem
mov [esi+TRIGGER_1],ecx
add ecx,eax ; ecx=mem+(XSIZE*(YSIZE+1))
; ecx points to the start of the buffer
mov [esi+START_BUFFER],ecx
; compute the size of one buffer line
mov edx,[esi+XSIZESMC]
lea edx,[edx*5]
shr edx,2 ; edx=XSIZE*5/4 bytes
mov [esi+XS32_80],edx
; compute the size of one buffer column:
mov edx,[esi+strip_count]
lea edx,[edx*5]
shl edx,4 ; edx=strip*80 bytes
; mov [esi+STRIP80],edx
imul edx,eax ; edx=strip*XSIZE
add ecx,edx ; edx=(strip*80*XSIZE/64)+mem+(XIZE*(YSIZE+1))
mov [esi+END_BUFFER],ecx
push eax
;> por mm0,[edx+0]
;>XSIZE32CELA equ $-4
add eax,byte CEL+A
mov [esi+XSIZE32CELA],eax
;> por mm0,[edx+0]
;>XSIZE32CELD equ $-4
add eax,byte D-A
mov [esi+XSIZE32CELD],eax
pop eax
push eax
;>STRIP_1 equ $-4 ; (strip*line)+mem
mul dword [esi+strip_count]
add eax,0
$mem__ equ $-4
mov [esi+STRIP_1],eax
pop eax
add eax,0 ; start=LINE+mem
$mem__ equ $-4
mov [esi+START_1],eax
mov [esi+START_2],eax
align 16
display_cursor: ; a pure reentering 32b function (bad multiproc souvenirs)
; ebx=x
; eax=y
; mm0..6 are destroyed, the caller must save them !
; all normal registers are saved:
pushad ; should be replaced by a "progressive" backup/restore
mov ecx,CURSOR_LINES-1
mov edi,eax ; start_display_line=y
xor esi,esi ; start_cursor_line=0
sub edi,ecx ; start_display_line=y-CURSOR_LINES
ja no_clip_cursor_y ; IF clip
sub ecx,eax ; start_cursor_line=CURSOR_LINES-y
mov edi,esi ; start_display_line=0
lea esi,[ecx*4] ; start_cursor_line=(CURSOR_LINES-y)*4
shl edi,10 ; multiply by 1024,
; instead of imul edi,XRESOLUTION if it's not a power of two
; imul edi,edi,XRESOLUTION
add edi,0
$video__ equ $-4
xor eax,eax ; shift=0
mov edx,ebx
sub ebx,byte 31 ; x=x-31
jns no_clip_x
xchg ebx,eax
neg al
; eax:initial cursor mask shift
; ebx:backup of starting X
; edx:current X
; ecx:free... used for several shifts
; esi:cursor pointer
; edi:current line
; ebp:mask
; mm0:0
; mm1:color mask
; mm2:cursor mask
; mm3:left shift count (<8) then working space for a cursor mask byte
; mm4:shifted cursor mask (8040201008040201h)
; mm5:copy of the byte mask
; mm6: background
movq mm4,[shifted_mask]
$base__ equ $-4
pxor mm0,mm0
movq mm1,[color_mask]
$base__ equ $-4
mov ebp,[cursor+esi] ; loads the mask
$base__ equ $-4
mov ecx,eax ; restore ecx
mov edx,ebx ; start offset
shr ebp,cl ; mask adjust if clipping
bsf ecx,ebp ; search the first interesting bit
jz end_line_cursor ; if nothing then skip.
;there is at least one bit to display
add edx,ecx
shr ebp,cl ; "justifies" the mask to the right
movd mm2,ebp ; transfer to a 64 bit register
; to avoid the overflow of the right shift
mov ecx,edx
and dl,0F8h ; 8-byte alignment
and ecx,7
movd mm3,ecx
psllq mm2,mm3 ; the shifted cursor mask is now in mm2
movq mm6,[edi+edx] ;loads the background (in background, hehe !)
movq mm3,mm2
punpcklbw mm3,mm3 ;
punpcklwd mm3,mm3 ; instead of a multiplication
punpckldq mm3,mm3 ;
pand mm3,mm4 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm3,mm0 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
movq mm5,mm3
pand mm3,mm6 ; background mask
pandn mm5,mm1 ; color mask
por mm3,mm5
movq [edi+edx],mm3 ; write back
add edx,byte 8
; check if it's worth going on:
psrlq mm2,8 ; mm2 shifted right by 8
movd ebp,mm2
test ebp,ebp
jnz loop_line_cursor
add esi,byte 4
cmp esi,(CURSOR_LINES*4)
jb loop_display_cursor_lines
align 16
; parameters:
; bl : precision
; edi: video address
; eax:edx: number
; used:
; edx: reminder
; ecx: number base (10)
mov ecx,10 ; divide count (number base)
div ecx ; reminder in edx
call display_number
xor edx,edx ; clear the reminder
sub edi,byte 16 ; update the pointer
dec bl ; decrement the counter
jnz loop_display_cycle
align 16
; edi=initial place (aligned on a 8-byte boundary)
; edx=number (0..9)
; mm7: FG color
; mm6: BG color
; mm5: 0
; mm4: background
; mm3: working space
; mm2: byte_mask
movq mm6,[number_background]
$base__ equ $-4
lea eax,[edx*4+edx] ; eax=5*edx
movq mm7,[number_foreground]
$base__ equ $-4
lea eax,[eax*4+edx] ; eax=eax*21
movq [edi],mm6 ; high margin
pxor mm5,mm5
movq [edi+8],mm6 ; high margin (2)
lea eax, [(eax*2)+font_numbers] ; eax=number*52+font_address
$base__ equ $-4
movq [edi+XRESOLUTION],mm6 ; high margin (3)
movq mm2,[shifted_mask]
$base__ equ $-4
movq [edi+8+XRESOLUTION],mm6 ; high margin (4)
movzx ebx,word[eax]
add eax,byte 2
movq mm4,mm6
test bl,bl
jz no_first_half
movd mm3,ebx
punpcklbw mm3,mm3
punpcklwd mm3,mm3
punpckldq mm3,mm3
pand mm3,mm2 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm3,mm5 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pand mm4,mm3 ; background mask
pandn mm3,mm7 ; color mask
por mm4,mm3
movq [edi],mm4
add edi,byte 8
movq mm4,mm6
shr ebx,8
test bl,bl
jz no_last_half
movd mm3,ebx
punpcklbw mm3,mm3
punpcklwd mm3,mm3
punpckldq mm3,mm3
pand mm3,mm2 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm3,mm5 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pand mm4,mm3 ; background mask
pandn mm3,mm7 ; color mask
por mm4,mm3
movq [edi],mm4
dec cl
jnz loop_display_number
; low margin:
movq [edi],mm6
movq [edi+8],mm6
;* RESET *
mov dword[es:back_to_rm-4],-6 ; loop again
mov dword[es:cycle_count],0 ; don't go compute
mov byte [es:pause_flag],1 ; pause
call change_size
jmp halte+1 ; don't halt yet. there might be another command in the queue !
display_tunnel: ; this is not really optimized, but at least it works.
; compute the increment
mov ecx,[zoom]
$base__ equ $-4
sub ecx,byte 4
mov eax,1 ; may not work if zoomins are implemented
shl eax,cl
mov [SMC_ADD],eax
$base__ equ $-4
; compute the upper limit:
; compute the address of the starting line:
mov eax,[XSIZESMC]
$base__ equ $-4
mov edx,[orig_y]
$base__ equ $-4
push edx
inc edx ; skip the garde
mul edx
mov edx,eax ; edx=XSIZE*orig_y
pop eax ; eax=orig_y
add edx,dword 0 ; edx=LINE*orig_y+START
$mem__ equ $-4
; eax: starting line
; edx: address of the starting line
call display_line
add eax,0 ; u
SMC_ADD equ $-4
add edx,[XSIZESMC]; v
$base__ equ $-4
cmp eax,[YSIZESMC]; u
$base__ equ $-4
jb loop_display_tunnel ; v
;* RUN *
mov dword[es:back_to_rm-4],end_run-back_to_rm
call main_loop_SP ; SMC when the program is in dual CPU mode
MP_label equ $-4
; *** Misc. display ***
; read the Time Stamp Counter:
RDTSC ; number in eax:edx
mov ecx,[strip_count]
$base__ equ $-4
;;;; add [RANDOM],eax
;;;;$base__ equ $-4
;;;; add [RANDOM+4],edx
;;;;$base__ equ $-4
div ecx ; might trigger "fatal error" if the number is too high
mov [TSC],eax
$base__ equ $-4
mov eax,dword [cycle_count]
$base__ equ $-4
clc ; bug !...
add eax,ecx
jnc no_saturation2
mov eax,-1
push eax
mov dword [cycle_count],eax
$base__ equ $-4
call display_cycles
pop eax
cmp eax,[limit]
$base__ equ $-4
jb loop_run
jmp halte+1 ; skip the HLT, so we don't have
; to wait the next IRQ to exit
mov dword[es:back_to_rm-4],-6
mov byte [es:pause_flag],1 ; pause
push dword halte+1 ; skip the HLT, so we don't have
jmp display_bar
; display_bar returns for us.
mov dword[es:back_to_rm-4],-6 ; reclose the loop
mov al,11111101b ; kbd only, if the computer hangs
out 21h,al ; (mouse moves would spoil the results)
mov eax,[es:mouse_y]
push eax
mov dword[es:mouse_y],YRESOLUTION-1 ; change the cursor position,
; because it is updated during the computation and takes +- 20000 cycles
mov esi,XRESOLUTION-16 ; where to display the count
$video__ equ $-4
mov ecx,-1 ; 'best_time'
; mov al,1 ; 'strip size' counter
; mov ah,1 ; 'best strip count'
mov eax,101h
lea ebx,[esi-16*10]
mov [es:strip_count],al
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push esi
mov esi,0
$base__ equ $-4
call modify_SMC
; unrolled loop:
call main_loop_SP
MP_label2 equ $-4 ; SMC for dual CPU mode
call main_loop_SP
MP_label3 equ $-4
call main_loop_SP
MP_label4 equ $-4
; read the Time Stamp Counter:
RDTSC ; number in eax:edx
div dword [strip_count] ; might trigger "fatal error" if the number is too high
$base__ equ $-4
; now eax has the time/strip ratio.
; display the ratio
pop esi
mov edi,esi
mov bl,10
mov edx,0
push eax
call display_count
pop eax
; is it worth ?
pop ecx
pop ebx
cmp eax,ecx
jae not_better
mov ecx,eax ; the new best time
; erase the last mark:
push edi
mov edi,ebx
mov edx,SPACE
call display_number
pop edi
mov ebx,edi
; display the mark
mov edx,PAUSE
call display_number
pop eax
mov ah,al ; new best strip count
jmp better
mov edx,SPACE
call display_number
pop eax
sub edi,byte 24
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
mov edx,0
and eax,byte 63
mov bl,2
call display_count
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
add esi,XRESOLUTION*23
inc al
cmp al,32
jbe near loop_inc_strip
mov esi,0
$base__ equ $-4
mov [esi+strip_count],ah
call modify_SMC
mov al,11101101b ; mouse+kbd
out 21h,al
pop eax
mov [esi+mouse_y],eax
add dword [esi+cycle_count],(32*33)>>1
mov byte [esi+pause_flag],1 ; go to pause mode
push dword halte+1
call display_bar
align 16
; reset the TSC:
xor eax, eax
mov ecx,16 ; TSC MSR
mov edx,eax
; eax: Y scan
; ecx: head pointer
; bl: head parity
; edx: tail pointer
; esi: buffer pointer
; mov eax,0 ; Y scan variable (already zeroed for RDTSC)
mov ecx,0
START_1 equ $-4 ;
mov ebx,0 ; bl=parity
; tail:
mov edx,0
START_2 equ $-4
mov esi,0
; flush the buffer:
mov edi,esi
pxor mm0,mm0 ; mm0=0
movq [edi+64],mm0
movq [edi+72],mm0
add edi,80
cmp edi,dword 0
END_BUFFER equ $-4
jbe loop_flush_buffer
; align 8
; eax: Y scan (not needed, pushed on the stack)-> shift counter (?)
; bl: parity, bh: current line parity
; ecx: head pointer
; edx: tail pointer
; ebp: X counter
; edi: Y counter
; ESI: circular buffer pointer
pxor mm0,mm0
mov bh,bl ; line parity
movq [temp_D],mm0 ; clear the two consecutive dwords (temp_D and temp_E)
$base__ equ $-4
movq [temp_E],mm0 ; again... (temp_C and free)
$base__ equ $-4
push eax
push ecx
push esi
mov edi,ecx ; load head
push edi
mov ebp,0 ; horizontal loop counter
xor bh,1
push ebx
jz near odd_loop
call compute_collision
;*************** déplacement pair: *****************
movq mm0,[XORF]
$base5__ equ $-4
pcmpeqb mm3,mm3
movq mm1,[XORA]
$base5__ equ $-4
; ensuite:
por mm6,mm2 ; STALL entrelacé....
movq mm2,[XORB]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm1
pxor mm3,[WALLMASK]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm2
movq mm4,[byte edi+A]
por mm1,mm2
movq [PA],mm7 ;t4 contenait PA
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm7
movq [PB],mm6 ;t3 contenait PB
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm0,mm3
pxor mm4,mm0
movq mm0,[XORC]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm1,mm6
movq mm5,mm4
por mm1,mm0
por mm2,mm0
movq mm6,mm4
paddd mm5,[RANDOM]
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm1,mm3
por mm0,mm7
psrlq mm4,1
movq mm7,[temp_B]
$base5__ equ $-4
psllq mm6,63
;;;;movq [RANDOM],mm5
;;;;$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm7,mm1 ;mm5 free
movq mm1,[XORD]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm6,[byte edi+A-CEL] ; edi+A-CEL
movq [byte edi+A],mm4
por mm2,mm1
movq [byte edi+A-CEL],mm6; edi+A-CEL
por mm0,mm2
movq [XORD],mm2
$base5__ equ $-4
movq [byte esi+72],mm7 ; temp_B...
por mm2,[PC]
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm4,[temp_C2]
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm2,mm3
por mm1,[PB]
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm4,mm2
movq mm2,[XORE]
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm6,mm4
movd mm7,[temp_C]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm2
movq mm5,[byte edi+D]
psrlq mm4,63
pand mm0,mm3
por mm1,mm2
psllq mm6,1
movd [temp_C],mm4
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm5,mm0
movq mm0,[XORF]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm6,mm7
movq mm4,mm5
movq [byte esi+64],mm6 ;(C)
por mm1,mm0
movq mm6,[byte edi+E]
por mm2,mm0
movd mm7,[temp_D]
$base5__ equ $-4
psrlq mm4,63
;;test al,[byte edi+VB0] ; prefetch
psllq mm5,1
movd [temp_D],mm4
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm1,mm3
movq mm0,mm2
por mm5,mm7
por mm0,[XORD]
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm6,mm1
por mm2,[PC]
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm4,mm6
movq mm1,[byte edi+F]
pand mm2,mm3
pand mm3,mm0
;;test al,[edi+VB4] ; prefetch
por mm0,[PnOr] ;
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm1,mm2
movq [edi+D],mm5
psllq mm4,1
pxor mm3,[byte edi+G]
psrlq mm6,63
movq [edi+10000000],mm1
_LINE_F equ $-4
movd mm1,[temp_E]
$base5__ equ $-4
movd [temp_E],mm6
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm4,mm1
movq [byte edi+G],mm3
movq [edi+1000000],mm4; edi-LINE+E
_LINE_E equ $-4
; sortie: COLL dans mm0
add ebp,byte CEL
add edi,byte CEL
add esi,byte 80
cmp ebp,0 ; line width
WIDTH equ $-4
jb near loop_compute1
jmp end_parity
; register use:
; edi: data pointer (points to the current cell)
; esi: buffer pointer
; ebp: loop counter (line)
; edx: end pointer (last line to scan)
; ecx: free
; bx: parity counter
; eax: free
call compute_collision
;*************** déplacement impair: *****************
movq mm0,[XORF]
$base5__ equ $-4
pcmpeqb mm3,mm3
movq mm1,[XORA]
$base5__ equ $-4
; ensuite:
por mm6,mm2 ; STALL entrelacé...
movq mm2,[XORB]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm1
pxor mm3,[WALLMASK]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm2
movq mm4,[byte edi+A]
por mm1,mm2
movq [PA],mm7
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm7
movq [PB],mm6
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm0,mm3
por mm1,mm6
pxor mm4,mm0
movq mm0,[XORC]
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm5,mm4
por mm1,mm0
movq mm6,mm4
paddd mm5,[RANDOM]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm2,mm0
por mm0,mm7
;;;;;;;;;;;;;test al,[byte edi+VB0] ; prefetch
movq mm7,[temp_B]
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm1,mm3
;;;; movq [RANDOM],mm5
;;;; $base5__ equ $-4
psllq mm6,63
psrlq mm4,1
pxor mm7,mm1
por mm6,[byte edi+A-CEL]
movq mm5,mm7
movq mm1,[XORD]
$base5__ equ $-4
psrlq mm7,1
movq [byte edi+A],mm4
por mm2,mm1
movq mm4,[temp_C2]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm1
movq [XORD],mm2
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm2,[PC]
$base5__ equ $-4
psllq mm5,63
movq [byte edi+A-CEL],mm6
pand mm2,mm3
movq [byte esi+72],mm7 ;B
pxor mm4,mm2
por mm5,[byte esi+72-80]
movq mm2,[XORE]
$base5__ equ $-4
movq [byte esi+72-80],mm5 ;B
por mm0,mm2
movq [byte esi+64],mm4 ;(C) esi+64
por mm1,mm2
por mm2,[XORA]
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm0,mm3
movq mm5,[byte edi+D]
por mm1,[PB]
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm5,mm0
movq mm0,[XORF]
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm4,mm5
movq mm6,[byte edi+E]
por mm1,mm0
movd mm7,[temp_D]
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm2,mm0
;;;;;;;test al,[byte edi+VB4] ; prefetch
movq mm0,mm2
por mm2,[PC]
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm1,mm3
por mm0,[XORD]
$base5__ equ $-4
psrlq mm4,63
pand mm2,mm3
psllq mm5,1
pxor mm2,[byte edi+F]
pand mm3,mm0
por mm5,mm7
por mm0,[PnOr]
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm6,mm1
pxor mm3,[byte edi+G]
movq mm1,mm2
movd [temp_D],mm4
$base5__ equ $-4
psllq mm2,63
movq [byte edi+D],mm5
psrlq mm1,1
movq [dword edi+10000000],mm6
_LINE_E2 equ $-4
por mm2,[edi+1000000]
_LINE_F_CELL equ $-4
movq [edi+10000000],mm1
_LINE_F2 equ $-4
movq [byte edi+G],mm3
movq [edi+1000000],mm2
_LINE_F_CELL2 equ $-4
add ebp,byte CEL
add edi,byte CEL
add esi,byte 80
cmp ebp,0 ; line width
WIDTH2 equ $-4
jb near loop_compute2
pop ebx
pop edi
sub edi,0
WIDTH3 equ $-4
cmp edi,edx ; compare tail
jns near external_loop
pop esi ; restore the pointer
pop ecx
pop eax
;* end of compute, pointer update *
; if head=YSIZE
; inc ESI,80
; else
; inc head
; if head<strip_count
; goto calcul
; display_line+cursor
; inc tail
; if tail<YSIZE
; goto calcul
cmp ecx,0
TRIGGER_1 equ $-4 ; (YSIZE*LINE)+mem
jne inc_head ; good chances for successful prediction (big STRIP)
add esi,1000000
XS32_80 equ $-4
jmp short no_inc_head
add ecx,0
WIDTH4 equ $-4
xor bl,1
cmp ecx,0
STRIP_1 equ $-4 ; (strip*line)+mem
jbe near ext_loop5
call display_line
inc eax
add edx,0
WIDTH5 equ $-4
cmp eax,0 ; YSIZE
YSIZE32_2 equ $-4
jb near ext_loop5
;1) load RANDOM
movq mm0,[RANDOM]
$base1__ equ $-4
;2) copy before PANDN:
movq mm1,mm0
;3) load the initial values:
movq mm4,[RAND_A]
$base1__ equ $-4
movq mm2,mm0
;4) mask out with PANDN (x1 & !RANDOM)
pandn mm1,mm4
movq mm5,[RAND_B]
$base1__ equ $-4
;5) (x2 & RANDOM)
pand mm4,mm0
movq mm3,mm0
movq mm6,[RAND_C]
$base1__ equ $-4
pandn mm2,mm5
pand mm5,mm0
;6) result
por mm4,mm2
pandn mm3,mm6
pand mm6,mm0
por mm5,mm3
;7) write the result
;;;; movq [RAND_A],mm4
;;;; $base1__ equ $-4
por mm6,mm1
;;;; movq [RAND_B],mm5
;;;; $base1__ equ $-4
;;;; movq [RAND_C],mm6
;;;; $base1__ equ $-4
align 16
; 1) modification lists:
mov eax,[edi+WALL]
pxor mm5,mm5 ; WALLMASK
test eax,eax
jz no_modifications1
push ebx
push edx
mov ecx,[eax]
; 1) load the parameters
movzx edx,word [eax+4]
movzx ebx,word [eax+6]
movq mm0,[eax+8] ; mask
add eax,16
; 2) load the data to transform
movq mm1,[edi+edx]
movq mm3,mm0
movq mm2,[edi+ebx]
movq mm4,mm0
; 3) transform
pandn mm3,mm1
pandn mm4,mm2 ; negative mask
pand mm1,mm0 ; positive mask
pand mm2,mm0
por mm1,mm4
por mm2,mm3
cmp eax,ecx
por mm5,mm0
; 4) write back
movq [edi+ebx],mm1
movq [edi+edx],mm2
jb modification_loop1
pop edx
pop ebx
movq [WALLMASK],mm5
$base__ equ $-4
; pré-déplacement, popcount, détection.
; B:
movq mm7,[byte esi+72]; temp B -> B (début)
movq mm1,[byte edi+B] ; load B
movq [byte edi+B],mm7; temp B -> B (fin)
movq [temp_B],mm1 ;fin du fin
$base__ equ $-4
movq mm0,[byte esi+64]; temp C -> C (début)
movq mm4,[byte edi+C] ; load C
movq [byte edi+C],mm0; temp C -> C (fin)
movq [temp_C2],mm4 ;fin du fin
$base__ equ $-4
;en sortie:
;T3=G!=mm4 *
;T7=ST=mm1 *
;T0=D!=mm3 *
;T1=C!=mm7 *
;T2=B!=mm6 *
movq mm0,mm1 ; V
movq mm6,[byte edi+D] ; U
pand mm1,mm4 ; HA1
movq mm5,[byte edi+E] ; U
movq mm7,mm6
movq mm3,[byte edi+F] ; U
pxor mm4,mm0 ; HA1
movq mm2,[byte edi+A] ; U
pand mm6,mm5 ; HA3
pxor mm5,mm7 ; HA3
movq mm0,mm4
movq mm7,mm2 ; U
pand mm4,mm3 ; HA2
pand mm2,mm5 ; HA4
pxor mm3,mm0 ; HA2
pxor mm5,mm7 ; HA4
por mm1,mm4 ;
movq mm4,[byte edi+G] ; =G original (copie pour le XOR ensuite)
por mm6,mm2
movq mm7,mm3
movq mm0,mm1
pand mm3,mm5 ; HA5
pand mm1,mm6 ; HA6
pxor mm5,mm7 ; HA5
movq mm2,mm4 ; copie de G pour le calcul
pxor mm6,mm0 ; HA6
movq mm7,mm5
movq mm0,mm6 ; U
pand mm5,mm4 ; HA8
pand mm6,mm3 ; HA7
pxor mm3,mm0 ; HA8
por mm1,mm6 ; =ST
pxor mm2,mm7 ; HA8 (G xor T1->mm6, T3=G)
movq mm6,[temp_B] ; T2 = B original
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm7,mm3 ;!!!
pand mm3,mm5 ; HA9
pxor mm5,mm7 ; HA9 T1 free
movq mm7,[temp_C2] ; T1 = C original
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm3,mm1 ; last computation for S2
movq [S0],mm2 ; T6 free
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm4,mm1 ; T3=G! ****
movq [S1],mm5 ; T5 free
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm6,mm1 ; B!
movq [S2],mm3 ; T0 free
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm7,mm1 ; C!
movq mm3,[byte edi+D] ; D
movq mm5,mm7
movq [ST],mm1
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm3,mm1 ; D!
; détection, acte 1:
movq mm2,mm7 ; U
movq mm5,mm7 ; V
pxor mm6,mm3 ;U1
pxor mm2,mm3 ;V2
movq mm1,mm4 ;U3
pandn mm5,mm6 ;V4
pandn mm6,mm2 ;U5
pxor mm1,mm3 ;V6
movq mm0,mm6 ;U7
pand mm6,mm1 ;V8
movq mm2,[RAND_C] ;U9
$base5__ equ $-4
pandn mm1,mm0 ;V10
movq mm0,[RANDOM] ;U11
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm5,mm4 ;V12
pxor mm0,mm3 ;U13
pand mm2,mm1 ;V14
pand mm1,mm7 ;U15
pand mm0,mm5 ;V16
movq [XORC],mm6 ;U17
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm2,mm0 ;V18
pand mm6,[RANDOM] ;U19
$base5__ equ $-4
pcmpeqb mm0,mm0 ;V20
movq [PC],mm1 ;U21
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm2,mm6 ;V22
movq mm6,[byte edi+E] ;U23
pxor mm0,mm2 ;V24
pxor mm6,[ST] ;U25
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm2,mm3 ;V26
movq [XORF],mm0 ;U27
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm5,mm3 ;V28
pxor mm7,mm6 ;U1
pxor mm2,mm6 ;V2
movq mm1,mm4 ;U3
pandn mm5,mm7 ;V4
pandn mm7,mm2 ;U5
pxor mm1,mm6 ;V6
movq mm0,mm7 ;U7
pand mm7,mm1 ;V8
movq mm2,[RAND_A] ;U9
$base5__ equ $-4
pandn mm1,mm0 ;V10
movq mm0,[RANDOM] ;U11
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm5,mm4 ;V12
pxor mm0,mm6 ;U13
pand mm2,mm1 ;V14
pand mm1,mm3 ;U15
pand mm0,mm5 ;V16
movq [XORD],mm7 ;U17
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm2,mm0 ;V18
pand mm7,[RANDOM] ;U19
$base5__ equ $-4
pcmpeqb mm0,mm0 ;V20
movq [PA],mm1 ;U21
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm2,mm7 ;V22
movq mm7,[byte edi+F] ;U23
pxor mm0,mm2 ;V24
pxor mm7,[ST] ;U25
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm2,mm6 ;V26
movq [XORA],mm0 ;U27
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm5,mm6 ;V28
pxor mm3,mm7 ;U1
pxor mm2,mm7 ;V2
movq mm1,mm4 ;U3
pandn mm5,mm3 ;V4
pandn mm3,mm2 ;U5
pxor mm1,mm7 ;V6
movq mm0,mm3 ;U7
pand mm3,mm1 ;V8
movq mm2,[RAND_B] ;U9
$base5__ equ $-4
pandn mm1,mm0 ;V10
movq mm0,[RANDOM] ;U11
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm5,mm4 ;V12
pxor mm0,mm7 ;U13
pand mm2,mm1 ;V14
pand mm1,mm6 ;U15
pand mm0,mm5 ;V16
movq [XORE],mm3 ;U17
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm2,mm0 ;V18
pand mm3,[RANDOM] ;U19
$base5__ equ $-4
pcmpeqb mm0,mm0 ;V20
movq [PB],mm1 ;U21
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm2,mm3 ;V22
pxor mm0,mm2 ;U23
; détection, acte 2:
movq mm3,[byte edi+A] ;U1
movq mm2,mm7 ;V2
movq [XORB],mm0 ;U3
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm1,mm4 ;V4
pxor mm3,[ST] ;U5
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm5,mm7 ;V6
pxor mm6,mm3 ;U7
pxor mm2,mm3 ;V8
pxor mm1,mm3 ;U9
pandn mm5,mm6 ;V10
pandn mm6,mm2 ;U11
movq mm0,mm1 ;V12
movq mm2,[RANDOM] ;U13
$base5__ equ $-4
pandn mm1,mm6 ;V14
pand mm6,mm0 ;U15
pand mm5,mm4 ;V16
pand mm6,[XORF] ;U17
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm2,mm3 ;V18
movq mm0,[RAND_C] ;U19
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm2,mm5 ;V20
movq [XORF],mm6 ;U21
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm0,mm3 ;V22
movq mm5,[RANDOM] ;U23
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm1,mm7 ;V24
pand mm1,[PC] ;U25
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm2 ;V26
pandn mm5,mm6 ;U27
movq [PC],mm1 ;U29
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm5,mm0 ;V30
pandn mm5,[XORC] ;U31
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm6,[temp_B] ;U1
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm2,mm3 ;V2
movq [XORC],mm5 ;U3
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm1,mm4 ;V4
pxor mm6,[ST] ;U5
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm5,mm3 ;V6
pxor mm7,mm6 ;U7
pxor mm2,mm6 ;V8
pxor mm1,mm6 ;U9
pandn mm5,mm7 ;V10
pandn mm7,mm2 ;U11
movq mm0,mm1 ;V12
movq mm2,[RANDOM] ;U13
$base5__ equ $-4
pandn mm1,mm7 ;V14
pand mm7,mm0 ;U15
pand mm5,mm4 ;V16
pand mm7,[XORA] ;U17
$base5__ equ $-4
pxor mm2,mm6 ;V18
movq mm0,[RAND_A] ;U19
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm2,mm5 ;V20
movq [XORA],mm7 ;U21
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm0,mm6 ;V22
movq mm5,[RANDOM] ;U23
$base5__ equ $-4
pand mm1,mm3 ;V24
pand mm1,[PA] ;U25
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm2 ;V26
pandn mm5,mm7 ;U27
movq [PA],mm1 ;U29
$base5__ equ $-4
por mm5,mm0 ;V30
pandn mm5,[XORD] ;U31 ;XORA
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm7,[temp_C2] ;U1
$base4__ equ $-4
movq mm2,mm6 ;V2
movq [XORD],mm5 ;U3
$base5__ equ $-4
movq mm1,mm4 ;V4
pxor mm7,[ST] ;U5
$base4__ equ $-4
movq mm5,mm6 ;V6
pxor mm3,mm7 ;U7
pxor mm2,mm7 ;V8
pxor mm1,mm7 ;U9
pandn mm5,mm3 ;V10
pandn mm3,mm2 ;U11
movq mm0,mm1 ;V12
movq mm2,[RANDOM] ;U13
$base4__ equ $-4
pandn mm1,mm3 ;V14
pand mm3,mm0 ;U15
pand mm5,mm4 ;V16
pand mm3,[XORB] ;U17
$base4__ equ $-4
pxor mm2,mm7 ;V18
movq mm0,[RAND_B] ;U19
$base4__ equ $-4
pand mm2,mm5 ;V20
movq [XORB],mm3 ;U21
$base4__ equ $-4
pand mm0,mm7 ;V22
movq mm5,[RANDOM] ;U23
$base4__ equ $-4
pand mm1,mm6 ;V24
pand mm1,[PB] ;U25
$base4__ equ $-4
por mm0,mm2 ;V26
movq mm2,mm5 ;U27
pandn mm5,mm3 ;V28
movq mm4,[PC] ; (entrelacé)
$base4__ equ $-4
por mm5,mm0 ;V30
pandn mm5,[XORE] ;U31
$base4__ equ $-4
;*************** sélection progressive: ***************
; PB dans mmB (mm1)->T2
; RAND dans mmC (mm2)*
;1 registre inutilisé (mm3)
movq mm6,mm1 ;V32 (entrelacé)
movq mm7,[PA]
$base4__ equ $-4
por mm1,mm4
movq [XORE],mm5 ;U3 (entrelacé avec la détection)
$base4__ equ $-4
por mm1,mm7
movq mm5,mm4
movq mm0,mm2
movq [PnOr],mm1
$base4__ equ $-4
pandn mm0,mm1
pand mm1,mm2
movq mm2,mm7
por mm4,mm1
pand mm5,mm1
por mm7,mm0
pand mm2,mm0
movq [PC],mm4
$base4__ equ $-4
por mm6,mm5
;align 16
align 16
display_line: ;_4: ; normal size (1:1)
; eax: line # (input)
; edi: video line address
; ebp: col. counter
; edx: pointer to the line to display (input)
; MMX: trashed
; esi: pushed, but used: temp buffer
push esi
mov edi,eax
push edx
add edx,[orig_x] ; horizontal scroll
$base1__ equ $-4
sub edi,[orig_y] ; vertical scroll
$base1__ equ $-4
jb near end_display_line ; no display yet
cmp edi,YRESOLUTION-32
jae near end_display_line ; too late to display
movq mm1,[color_mask] ; white color mask
$base1__ equ $-4
pxor mm2,mm2 ; 0
movq mm3,[shifted_mask] ; 0102040810204080h
$base1__ equ $-4
shl edi,10
xor ebp,ebp
add edi,0
$video__ equ $-4
push eax
push ecx
pxor mm0,mm0
por mm0,[edx+A]
por mm0,[edx+B]
por mm0,[edx+C]
por mm0,[edx+D]
por mm0,[edx+E]
por mm0,[edx+F]
por mm0,[edx+G]
; movq mm0,[esi]
; mov dword [esi], 0
; mov dword [esi+4],0
%ifdef display_ptrs
pxor mm0,[edx+WALL]
%ifdef display_walls
mov eax,[edx+WALL]
test eax,eax
jz no_modifications3
mov ecx,[eax] ; pointer to the end of the list
por mm0,[eax+8]
add eax,16
cmp eax,ecx
jb modification_loop3
%ifdef display_dots
mov eax,[edx+WALL]
test eax,eax
jz no_modifications3
mov ecx,[eax] ; pointer to the end of the list
push ebx
mov ebx,0
pcmpeqb mm4,mm4
cmp dword [eax+4],A+(D<<16)
jne no_mask_A
pand mm4,[eax+8] ; mask
or ebx, byte 1
cmp dword [eax+4],B+(E<<16)
jne no_mask_B
pand mm4,[eax+8] ; mask
or ebx, byte 2
cmp dword [eax+4],C+(F<<16)
jne no_mask_C
pand mm4,[eax+8] ; mask
or ebx, byte 4
add eax,16
cmp eax,ecx
jb modification_loop3
cmp ebx,7
jne no_por_mm4
por mm0,mm4
pop ebx
movq mm4,mm0
add edx,byte CEL
add esi,80
punpcklbw mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp],mm4
psrlq mm0,8
movq mm4,mm0
punpcklbw mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+8],mm4
psrlq mm0,8
movq mm4,mm0
punpcklbw mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+16],mm4
psrlq mm0,8
movq mm4,mm0
punpcklbw mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+24],mm4
psrlq mm0,8
movq mm4,mm0
punpcklbw mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+32],mm4
psrlq mm0,8
movq mm4,mm0
punpcklbw mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+40],mm4
psrlq mm0,8
movq mm4,mm0
punpcklbw mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+48],mm4
psrlq mm0,8
movq mm4,mm0
punpcklbw mm4,mm4
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+56],mm4
add ebp,byte 64 ; V
cmp ebp,0 ;XSIZE ; U
XSIZE32_5 equ $-4
jb near loop_inc_4 ; V
pop ecx
pop eax
pop edx
pop esi
; refresh the display elements
; mouse cursor
cmp eax,[tunnel_y] ; u
$base1__ equ $-4
je update_cursor_4 ; V, often correctly predicted
push ebx
mov ebx,[mouse_x]
$base1__ equ $-4
cmp ebx,0 ; XSIZE ; SIZE SMC
XSIZE32_6 equ $-4
ja no_update_cursor2_4
push eax
mov eax,[mouse_y]
$base1__ equ $-4
mov ebx,[mouse_x]
$base1__ equ $-4
call display_cursor
pop eax
pop ebx
display_line2: ; half size (2:1)
; eax: line #
; edi: video line address
; ebp: col. counter
; edx: pointer to the line to display
test eax,1
jz do_display_even
mov edi,eax
push edx
add edx,[orig_x] ; horizontal scroll
$base1__ equ $-4
sub edi,[orig_y] ; vertical scroll
$base1__ equ $-4
jb near end_display_line_2 ; no display yet
cmp edi,(YRESOLUTION-32)*2
jae near end_display_line_2 ; too late to display
shl edi,9 ; => (*1024)/2
movq mm1,[color_mask] ; white color mask
$base1__ equ $-4
pxor mm2,mm2 ; 0
movq mm3,[shifted_mask2] ; 0104104001041040h
$base1__ equ $-4
xor ebp,ebp
add edi,0
$video__ equ $-4
; align 8
movq mm0,[edx+A]
por mm0,[edx+B]
por mm0,[edx+C]
por mm0,[edx+D]
por mm0,[edx+E]
por mm0,[edx+F]
por mm0,[edx+G]
por mm0,[edx+1000]
XSIZE32CELA equ $-4
por mm0,[edx+1000]
XSIZE32CELD equ $-4
movq mm4,mm0
psrlq mm0,1
por mm0,mm4
pand mm0,[even_mask]
$base1__ equ $-4
movq mm4,mm0
add edx,byte CEL
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp],mm4
psrlq mm0,16
movq mm4,mm0
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+8],mm4
psrlq mm0,16
movq mm4,mm0
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+16],mm4
psrlq mm0,16
movq mm4,mm0
punpcklwd mm4,mm4
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+24],mm4
add ebp,byte 32 ; V
cmp ebp,0 ;XSIZE ; U
XSIZE32_7 equ $-4
jb near loop_inc_5 ; V
pop edx
; refresh the display elements
jmp do_display_stuff
;* 1/4 SIZE *
align 16
display_line4: ; zoom 4:1
; eax: line #
; edi: video line address
; ebp: col. counter
; edx: pointer to the line to display
test eax,3
jz do_display_even_even
mov edi,eax
push edx
add edx,[orig_x] ; horizontal scroll
$base1__ equ $-4
sub edi,[orig_y] ; vertical scroll
$base1__ equ $-4
jb near end_display_line_3 ; no display yet
cmp edi,(YRESOLUTION-32)*4
jae near end_display_line_3 ; too late to display
shl edi,8 ; => (*1024)/4
movq mm1,[color_mask] ; white color mask
$base1__ equ $-4
pxor mm2,mm2 ; 0
movq mm3,[shifted_mask3] ;
$base1__ equ $-4
xor ebp,ebp
add edi,0
$video__ equ $-4
; align 8
movq mm0,[edx+A]
por mm0,[edx+B]
por mm0,[edx+C]
por mm0,[edx+D]
por mm0,[edx+E]
por mm0,[edx+F]
por mm0,[edx+G]
; por mm0,[edx+1000]
;XSIZE32CELA equ $-4
; por mm0,[edx+1000]
;XSIZE32CELD equ $-4
movq mm4,mm0
psrlq mm0,1
por mm0,mm4
pand mm0,[even_mask]
$base1__ equ $-4
movq mm4,mm0
psrlq mm0,2
por mm0,mm4
pand mm0,[even_even_mask]
$base1__ equ $-4
movq mm4,mm0
add edx,byte CEL
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp],mm4
psrlq mm0,32
movq mm4,mm0
punpckldq mm4,mm4
pand mm4 ,mm3 ; select a byte
pcmpeqb mm4,mm2 ; if (byte) not zero then 0FFh
pandn mm4,mm1 ; background mask
movq [edi+ebp+8],mm4
add ebp,byte 16 ; V
cmp ebp,0 ;XSIZE ; U
XSIZE32_9 equ $-4
jb near loop_inc_6 ; V
pop edx
; refresh the display elements
jmp do_display_stuff
bits 16
align 16
; IRQ off assumed here (it is within the mouse interrupt !)
; display a WAIT sign... (it lasts about 20 seconds)
mov ecx,display_number
mov edx,SANDPILE
$video__ equ $-4
call SEL_CODE_32:return_relay
; switch to real mode: (copy-paste-modify of the stub code)
; the "cached part(s)":
mov ax,SEL_FLAT
mov fs,ax ; as to still access the video mem in "flat mode"
mov ax,SEL_REAL
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
; ss ??? I hope MSDOS doesn't change ss....
; mov sp,MP_stack_top !!! we keep the stack !
mov eax,cr0
and al,0FEh ; reset the PE bit
mov cr0,eax
; flush the pipeline:
db 0EAh ;opcode for a FAR JMP to the 16b code
dw back_2_real2
cs3: dw 0 ;will have been set by a previous instruction
;******** Here we are in Real Mode: **********
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov ss,ax
mov es,ax
; restores the DOS environment
lidt [DOS_IDT] ;restore the DOS' IDT
xor al,al
out 70h,al ;NMI mask removed
mov al,[old_mask]
out 21h,al ; restores the PIC state
; sti
;*************** here we are ready ! ***********************
; say "hello" !
; mov edi,dword 0
;$video__ equ $-4
; movq mm0,[shifted_mask]
; movq [fs:edi],mm0
; increment the file number:
mov di,endfilename
mov al,[di]
inc al
mov [di],al
cmp al,'9'
jbe no_inc_name
mov byte [di],'0'
dec di ; buug ! inc instead of dec
cmp di,filename+1
je near exit_bmp ; already one million files...
jmp short loop_inc_name
; find the corresponding file: (thanks to the RBIL !)
; AX = 4300h
; DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename
;Return: CF clear if successful
; CX = file attributes (see #1107)
; AX = CX (DR DOS 5.0)
; CF set on error
; AX = error code (01h,02h,03h,05h) (see #1366 at AH=59h)
mov ax,4300h
mov dx,filename
int 21h
; continue if already exists
jnc increment_name
;create the file:
; AH = 3Ch
; CX = file attributes (see #1089)->nothing interesting
; DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename
;Return: CF clear if successful
; AX = file handle
; CF set on error
; AX = error code (03h,04h,05h) (see #1366 at AH=59h/BX=0000h)
mov ah,3Ch
xor cx,cx
; dx not modified after the last DOS call...
int 21h
jc near exit_bmp ; just in case...
; AH = 40h
; BX = file handle
; CX = number of bytes to write
; DS:DX -> data to write
;Return: CF clear if successful
; AX = number of bytes actually written;
; CF set on error
; AX = error code (05h,06h) (see #1366 at AH=59h/BX=0000h)
mov bx,ax
mov ah,40h
mov cx,(end_header-bmp_header)
mov dx,bmp_header
int 21h
jc near exit_bmp
; converts the palette to BMP format
; uses di,ax,es,dx,cx
xor al,al
mov dx,03c7h ; points the VGA register to the palette
out dx,al
mov dl,0C9h ; and now, read the bytes.
mov di,BMP_buffer
in al,dx
shl al,2
mov [di+2],al
in al,dx
shl al,2
mov [di+1],al ; buug !!! reversed RVB-BVR
in al,dx
shl al,2
mov [di],al
add di,4
cmp di,BMP_buffer+1024
jnz loop_read_palette
; write the palette
mov ah,40h
mov cx,1024
mov dx,BMP_buffer
int 21h
jc exit_bmp
; Write the image data:
$video__ equ $-4
movq mm1,[all_ones]
; copy the line to Rmem:
mov di,BMP_buffer
movq mm0,[fs:esi]
movq [di],mm0
add esi,byte 8
add di,byte 8
cmp di,BMP_buffer+1024
jb loop_copy_rmem
; write the line:
mov dx,BMP_buffer
mov ah,40h
mov cx,1024
int 21h
jc exit_bmp
dec bp
jnz loop_write_BMP
;close the file:
; AH = 3Eh
; BX = file handle
;Return: CF clear if successful
; AX destroyed
; CF set on error
; AX = error code (06h) (see #1366 at AH=59h/BX=0000h)
;Notes: if the file was written to, any pending disk writes are performed, the
; time and date stamps are set to the current time, and the directory
; entry is updated
mov ah,3Eh ; buuuugg ! ax instead of ah
; bx unmodified...
int 21h
;******************* switch back to pmode: ***********************
;disable the interrupts
mov al,80h
out 70h,al ;set the NMI mask
mov al,11101101b ; mouse+kbd
out 21h,al ;enable the COM1 + KBD interrupts in the main PIC
lidt [NEW_SIZE] ; then load ours
; will be popped later by RETFD at the end of the mode change:
push word SEL_CODE_16
push word back_from_screenshot
jmp switch_PM32 ; entry point for the AP to switch to PMODE
; the needed data:
filename: db 'IM00000'
endfilename: db '0'-1,'.BMP',0
bmp_ident: db 'BM'
bmp_file_size: dd (XRESOLUTION*YRESOLUTION)+(end_header-bmp_header)+1024 ;
bmp_reserved: dd 0
bmp_bit_offset:dd (end_header-bmp_header)+1024;
bmp_biSize: dd 40; "??? but as long as it works...."
bmp_biWidth: dd XRESOLUTION;
bmp_biHeight: dd YRESOLUTION;
bmp_biPlanes: dw 1;
bmp_biBitCount:dw 8; 256 colors
bmp_biCompr: dd 0; uncompressed ...
bmp_biXPixelPerM:dd 0;
bmp_biYPixelPerM:dd 0; not useful.
bmp_biClrUsed: dd 0;
bmp_biClrImpr: dd 0;
align 32 ; Even though MSDOS manages its memory with 16-byte paragraphs...
; solution: recopier le bloc !
XORA: dd 0,0
XORB: dd 0,0
XORC: dd 0,0
XORD: dd 0,0
XORE: dd 0,0
XORF: dd 0,0
PnOr: dd 0,0
PA: dd 0,0
PB: dd 0,0
PC: dd 0,0
temp_D: dd 0
temp_C: dd 0
temp_E: dd 0
free: dd 0 ; only for the alignment
temp_C2: dd 0,0
temp_B: dd 0,0
RANDOM: dd -1,-1 ; 123456789,987654321 ; or whatever you want...
RAND_A: dd -1,-1
RAND_B: dd -1,-1
RAND_C: dd 0,0
WALLMASK: dd 0,0
ST: dd 0,0
S0: dd 0,0
S1: dd 0,0
S2: dd 0,0
mouse_x: dd XRESOLUTION-1 ; middle of the screen
mouse_y: dd YRESOLUTION-1
orig_x: dd 0
orig_y: dd 0
even_mask: dd 55555555h,55555555h
even_even_mask: dd 11111111h,11111111h
db 00000001b
db 00000010b
db 00000100b
db 00001000b
db 00010000b
db 00100000b
db 01000000b
db 10000000b
db 00000001b
db 00000100b
db 00010000b
db 01000000b
db 00000001b
db 00000100b
db 00010000b
db 01000000b
db 00000001b
db 00010000b
db 00000001b
db 00010000b
db 00000001b
db 00010000b
db 00000001b
db 00010000b
all_ones: dd -1,-1
dd 00000000000000000011000000000000b ; 29
dd 00000000000000001111000000000000b ; 28
dd 00000000000000111110000000000000b ; 27
dd 00000000000001111110000000000000b ; 26
dd 00000000000111111110000000000000b ; 25
dd 00000000001111111100000000000000b ; 24
dd 00000000011111111100000000000000b ; 23
dd 00000000111111111000000000000000b ; 22
dd 00000001111111111000000000000000b ; 21
dd 00000001111111110000000000000000b ; 20
dd 00000011111111110000000000000000b ; 19
dd 00000111111111100000000000000000b ; 18
dd 00000111111111000000000000000000b ; 17
dd 00001111111111000000000000000000b ; 16
dd 00001111111100000000000000000000b ; 15
dd 00011111111000000000000000000000b ; 14
dd 00011111111000011111110000000000b ; 13
dd 00111111110011111111111110000000b ; 12
dd 00111111111111111111111111110000b ; 11
dd 01111111111111111111111111111000b ; 10
dd 01111111111111111111111111111100b ; 9
dd 01111111111111111111111111111110b ; 8
dd 01111111111111111111111000011111b ; 7
dd 11111111111111000000000000000001b ; 6
dd 11111111110000000000000000000000b ; 5
dd 11111110000000000000000000000000b ; 4
dd 11110000000000000000000000000000b ; 3
dd 11000000000000000000000000000000b ; 2
dd 10000000000000000000000000000000b ; 1
;* 21*16 FONT *
dw 0000000000000000b ;1
dw 0000001111000000b ;2
dw 0000111001110000b ;3
dw 0001100000011000b ;4
dw 0011000000001100b ;5
dw 0111000000000100b ;6
dw 0110000000000110b ;7
dw 0110000000000110b ;8
dw 1110000000000111b ;9
dw 1110000000000111b ;10
dw 1110000000000111b ;11
dw 1100000000000111b ;12
dw 1100000000000111b ;13
dw 1110000000000110b ;14
dw 0110000000000110b ;15
dw 0110000000001110b ;16
dw 0011000000001100b ;17
dw 0011100000011100b ;18
dw 0001110000111000b ;19
dw 0000111111110000b ;20
dw 0000001111000000b ;21
dw 0000000110000000b ;1
dw 0000000111000000b ;2
dw 0000000111100000b ;3
dw 0000000111110000b ;4
dw 0000000110111100b ;5
dw 0000000110000000b ;6
dw 0000000110000000b ;7
dw 0000000110000000b ;8
dw 0000000110000000b ;9
dw 0000000110000000b ;10
dw 0000000110000000b ;11
dw 0000000110000000b ;12
dw 0000000110000000b ;13
dw 0000000110000000b ;14
dw 0000000110000000b ;15
dw 0000000110000000b ;16
dw 0000000110000000b ;17
dw 0000000110000000b ;18
dw 0000001111000000b ;19
dw 0000001111000000b ;20
dw 0000111111110000b ;21
dw 0000001111110000b ;1
dw 0000011111111000b ;2
dw 0000111100001100b ;3
dw 0001111000000110b ;4
dw 0001111000000110b ;5
dw 0001110000000010b ;6
dw 0001110000000010b ;7
dw 0001111000000000b ;8
dw 0000111000000000b ;9
dw 0000111100000000b ;10
dw 0000011100000000b ;11
dw 0000011110000000b ;12
dw 0000001111000000b ;13
dw 0000000111100000b ;14
dw 0000000011110000b ;15
dw 0000000001111000b ;16
dw 0000000000111100b ;17
dw 0000000000011110b ;18
dw 0001111111101110b ;19
dw 0111111111111111b ;20
dw 1110000000111111b ;21
dw 0000001111110000b ;1
dw 0000011100011100b ;2
dw 0000011100000100b ;3
dw 0000111000000000b ;4
dw 0000111000000000b ;5
dw 0000011000000000b ;6
dw 0000011000000000b ;7
dw 0000001100000000b ;8
dw 0000000110000000b ;9
dw 0001111111110000b ;10
dw 0111111000000000b ;11
dw 0111100000000000b ;12
dw 1111100000000000b ;13
dw 1111000000000000b ;14
dw 1110000000000000b ;15
dw 1110000000000000b ;16
dw 1111000000000000b ;17
dw 0111100000000001b ;18
dw 0111110000000011b ;19
dw 0011111100000110b ;20
dw 0000111111111100b ;21
dw 0000001100000000b ;1
dw 0000001110000000b ;2
dw 0000001111000000b ;3
dw 0000001101100000b ;4
dw 0000001100110000b ;5
dw 0000001100111000b ;6
dw 0000001100011000b ;7
dw 0000001100001100b ;8
dw 0000001100000110b ;9
dw 1000001100000010b ;10
dw 1000001100000011b ;11
dw 1111111111111111b ;12
dw 1000001100000000b ;13
dw 0000001100000000b ;14
dw 0000001100000000b ;15
dw 0000001100000000b ;16
dw 0000001100000000b ;17
dw 0000001100000000b ;18
dw 0000001100000000b ;19
dw 0000011110000000b ;20
dw 0001111111100000b ;21
dw 0111111111111100b ;1
dw 0111111111111100b ;2
dw 0110000000001100b ;3
dw 0100000000001100b ;4
dw 0000000000001100b ;5
dw 0000000000001100b ;6
dw 0000111100001100b ;7
dw 0001111111101100b ;8
dw 0011111011111100b ;9
dw 0111000000011100b ;10
dw 1110000000000100b ;11
dw 1110000000000000b ;12
dw 1100000000000000b ;13
dw 1100000000000000b ;14
dw 1110000000000000b ;15
dw 1110000000000001b ;16
dw 0110000000000001b ;17
dw 0111000000000010b ;18
dw 0011110000001110b ;19
dw 0001111111111100b ;20
dw 0000011111110000b ;21
dw 0000011110000000b ;1
dw 0001111111100000b ;2
dw 0011000001110000b ;3
dw 0100000000111000b ;4
dw 0100000000011100b ;5
dw 0000000000001110b ;6
dw 0000000000000110b ;7
dw 0000000000000111b ;8
dw 0011111110000111b ;9
dw 0111111111000011b ;10
dw 0111000111100011b ;11
dw 1100000001110011b ;12
dw 1000000000011011b ;13
dw 1000000000011011b ;14
dw 1000000000001111b ;15
dw 1100000000001110b ;16
dw 0100000000000110b ;17
dw 0110000000000100b ;18
dw 0011000000001100b ;19
dw 0001100000011000b ;20
dw 0000111111110000b ;21
dw 1111111111111100b ;1
dw 1111111111111100b ;2
dw 1100000000001110b ;3
dw 1110000000000110b ;4
dw 0111000000000010b ;5
dw 0011100000000001b ;6
dw 0001110000000000b ;7
dw 0000111000000000b ;8
dw 0000011100000000b ;9
dw 0000011110000000b ;10
dw 0000001111000000b ;11
dw 0000000111100000b ;12
dw 0000000011110000b ;13
dw 0000000001110000b ;14
dw 0000000000111000b ;15
dw 0000000000011100b ;16
dw 0000000000001100b ;17
dw 0000000000001110b ;18
dw 0000000000000110b ;19
dw 0000000000000010b ;20
dw 0000000000000010b ;21
dw 0000111111000000b ;1
dw 0011100000110000b ;2
dw 0011000000011000b ;3
dw 0111000000001100b ;4
dw 0111000000001100b ;5
dw 0011000000001100b ;6
dw 0011100000001100b ;7
dw 0000110000111000b ;8
dw 0000001011000000b ;9
dw 0000011111100000b ;10
dw 0000110000111000b ;11
dw 0011000000011100b ;12
dw 0010000000001110b ;13
dw 0110000000000110b ;14
dw 1110000000000111b ;15
dw 1100000000000111b ;16
dw 1110000000000111b ;17
dw 1110000000000111b ;18
dw 0111000000001111b ;19
dw 0011100000011110b ;20
dw 0000111111111000b ;21
dw 0000011111100000b ;1
dw 0001110000111000b ;2
dw 0011100000001110b ;3
dw 0011100000000110b ;4
dw 0111000000000011b ;5
dw 0110100000000011b ;6
dw 0110110000000011b ;7
dw 1110110000000011b ;8
dw 1110011000000011b ;9
dw 1110001100000110b ;10
dw 0110000111111100b ;11
dw 0111000001110000b ;12
dw 0111000000000000b ;13
dw 0011000000000000b ;14
dw 0011100000000000b ;15
dw 0001110000000000b ;16
dw 0000111000000000b ;17
dw 0000011100000000b ;18
dw 0000001110000000b ;19
dw 0000000111100000b ;20
dw 0000000000111111b ;21
QUIT equ 10
dw 0000001111000000b ;1
dw 0000111001110000b ;2
dw 0001100000011000b ;3
dw 0011000000001100b ;4
dw 0111000000000100b ;5
dw 0110000000000110b ;6
dw 0110000000000110b ;7
dw 1110000000000111b ;8
dw 1110000000000111b ;9
dw 1110000010000111b ;10
dw 1110000111000111b ;11
dw 1100001110000111b ;12
dw 1100001100000111b ;13
dw 1110011000000110b ;14
dw 0110111000000110b ;15
dw 0111110000001110b ;16
dw 0011110000001100b ;17
dw 0011100000011100b ;18
dw 0111110000111000b ;19
dw 1111111111110000b ;20
dw 0110001111000000b ;21
PLAY equ 11
dw 0001111000111100b ;1
dw 0001111000111100b ;2
dw 0001111000111100b ;3
dw 0001111000111100b ;4
dw 0001111000111100b ;5
dw 0001111000111100b ;6
dw 0001111000111100b ;7
dw 0001111000111100b ;8
dw 0001111000111100b ;9
dw 0001111000111100b ;10
dw 0001111000111100b ;11
dw 0001111000111100b ;12
dw 0001111000111100b ;13
dw 0001111000111100b ;14
dw 0001111000111100b ;15
dw 0001111000111100b ;16
dw 0001111000111100b ;17
dw 0001111000111100b ;18
dw 0001111000111100b ;19
dw 0001111000111100b ;20
dw 0001111000111100b ;21
PAUSE equ 12
dw 0000000000000001b ;1
dw 0000000000000111b ;2
dw 0000000000011111b ;3
dw 0000000000111111b ;4
dw 0000000011111111b ;5
dw 0000000111111111b ;6
dw 0000011111111111b ;7
dw 0000111111111111b ;8
dw 0011111111111111b ;9
dw 0111111111111111b ;10
dw 1111111111111111b ;11
dw 0111111111111111b ;12
dw 0011111111111111b ;13
dw 0000111111111111b ;14
dw 0000011111111111b ;15
dw 0000000111111111b ;16
dw 0000000011111111b ;17
dw 0000000000111111b ;18
dw 0000000000011111b ;19
dw 0000000000000111b ;20
dw 0000000000000001b ;21
dw 1111111111111111b ;1
dw 1111111111111111b ;2
dw 1000000000000001b ;3
dw 1000000000000001b ;4
dw 0100000000000010b ;5
dw 0010000000000100b ;6
dw 0001110000111000b ;7
dw 0000111111110000b ;8
dw 0000011111100000b ;9
dw 0000001111000000b ;10
dw 0000000110000000b ;11
dw 0000001001000000b ;12
dw 0000010000100000b ;13
dw 0000100010010000b ;14
dw 0001000000001000b ;15
dw 0010000010000100b ;16
dw 0100000110000010b ;17
dw 1000001111000001b ;18
dw 1000011111100001b ;19
dw 1111111111111111b ;20
dw 1111111111111111b ;21
SPACE equ 14
dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dw 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dw 0000000011100000b ;1
dw 0011111111100000b ;2
dw 1111111111100000b ;3
dw 0000000011111111b ;4
dw 0000000011111100b ;5
dw 0000000011100000b ;6
dw 0000000011100000b ;7
dw 0000000011111100b ;8
dw 0000000011111111b ;9
dw 1111111111100000b ;10
dw 0011111111100000b ;11
dw 0000000011100000b ;12
dw 0000000011100000b ;13
dw 0000000011100000b ;14
dw 0000000011100000b ;15
dw 0000000011100000b ;16
dw 0000000011100000b ;17
dw 0000000011100000b ;18
dw 0000000011100000b ;19
dw 0000000011100000b ;20
dw 0000000011100000b ;21
MINUS equ 16
dw 0000000000000000b ;1
dw 0000000000000000b ;2
dw 0000000000000000b ;3
dw 0000000000000000b ;4
dw 0000000000000000b ;5
dw 0000000000000000b ;6
dw 0000000000000000b ;7
dw 0000000000000000b ;8
dw 0000000000000000b ;9
dw 0000000000000000b ;10
dw 0011111111111110b ;11
dw 0011111111111110b ;12
dw 0011111111111110b ;13
dw 0000000000000000b ;14
dw 0000000000000000b ;15
dw 0000000000000000b ;16
dw 0000000000000000b ;17
dw 0000000000000000b ;18
dw 0000000000000000b ;19
dw 0000000000000000b ;20
dw 0000000000000000b ;21
PLUS equ 17
dw 0000000000000000b ;1
dw 0000000000000000b ;2
dw 0000000000000000b ;3
dw 0000000000000000b ;4
dw 0000000111000000b ;5
dw 0000000111000000b ;6
dw 0000000111000000b ;7
dw 0000000111000000b ;8
dw 0000000111000000b ;9
dw 0000000111000000b ;10
dw 0011111111111110b ;11
dw 0011111111111110b ;12
dw 0011111111111110b ;13
dw 0000000111000000b ;14
dw 0000000111000000b ;15
dw 0000000111000000b ;16
dw 0000000111000000b ;17
dw 0000000111000000b ;18
dw 0000000111000000b ;19
dw 0000000000000000b ;20
dw 0000000000000000b ;21
RAZ equ 18
dw 0000000000000000b ;1
dw 0000000000000000b ;2
dw 0000000000000000b ;3
dw 0000000000000000b ;4
dw 1000000100000011b ;5
dw 1100000110000011b ;6
dw 1110000111000011b ;7
dw 1111000111100011b ;8
dw 1111100111110011b ;9
dw 1111110111111011b ;10
dw 1111111111111111b ;11
dw 1111110111111011b ;12
dw 1111100111110011b ;13
dw 1111000111100011b ;14
dw 1110000111000011b ;15
dw 1100000110000011b ;16
dw 1000000100000011b ;17
dw 0000000000000000b ;18
dw 0000000000000000b ;19
dw 0000000000000000b ;20
dw 0000000000000000b ;21
STEP equ 19
dw 0000000000000000b ;1
dw 0000000000000000b ;2
dw 0000000000000000b ;3
dw 1110011100000001b ;4
dw 1110011100000011b ;5
dw 1110011100000111b ;6
dw 1110011100001111b ;7
dw 1110011100011111b ;8
dw 1110011100111111b ;9
dw 1110011101111111b ;10
dw 1110011111111111b ;11
dw 1110011101111111b ;12
dw 1110011100111111b ;13
dw 1110011100011111b ;14
dw 1110011100001111b ;15
dw 1110011100000111b ;16
dw 1110011100000011b ;17
dw 1110011100000001b ;18
dw 0000000000000000b ;19
dw 0000000000000000b ;20
dw 0000000000000000b ;21
ZOOM_IN equ 20
dw 0000111100000000b ;1
dw 0011100111000000b ;2
dw 0110011001100000b ;3
dw 0100011000100000b ;4
dw 1100011000110000b ;5
dw 1011111111010000b ;6
dw 1011111111010000b ;7
dw 1100011000110000b ;8
dw 0100011000100000b ;9
dw 0110011001100000b ;10
dw 0011100111000000b ;11
dw 0000111111000000b ;12
dw 0000000011100000b ;13
dw 0000000001110000b ;14
dw 0000000001111000b ;15
dw 0000000000111000b ;16
dw 0000000000011100b ;17
dw 0000000000001110b ;18
dw 0000000000001110b ;19
dw 0000000000000111b ;20
dw 0000000000000010b ;21
ZOOM_OUT equ 21
dw 0000111100000000b ;1
dw 0011100111000000b ;2
dw 0110000001100000b ;3
dw 0100000000100000b ;4
dw 1100000000110000b ;5
dw 1011111111010000b ;6
dw 1011111111010000b ;7
dw 1100000000110000b ;8
dw 0100000000100000b ;9
dw 0110000001100000b ;10
dw 0011100111000000b ;11
dw 0000111111000000b ;12
dw 0000000011100000b ;13
dw 0000000001110000b ;14
dw 0000000001111000b ;15
dw 0000000000111000b ;16
dw 0000000000011100b ;17
dw 0000000000001110b ;18
dw 0000000000001110b ;19
dw 0000000000000111b ;20
dw 0000000000000010b ;21
dw 0000000111000000b ;1
dw 0000000111000000b ;2
dw 0000000111000000b ;3
dw 0000000111000000b ;4
dw 0000000111000000b ;5
dw 0000000111000000b ;6
dw 0000000111000000b ;7
dw 0000000111000000b ;8
dw 0000000111000000b ;9
dw 0000000111000000b ;10
dw 0000000111000000b ;11
dw 0000000111000000b ;12
dw 0000000111000000b ;13
dw 0000000111000000b ;14
dw 0011000111000110b ;15
dw 0001100111001100b ;16
dw 0000110111011000b ;17
dw 0000011111110000b ;18
dw 0000001111100000b ;19
dw 0000000111000000b ;20
dw 0000000010000000b ;21
ARROW_UP equ 23
dw 0000000010000000b ;1
dw 0000000111000000b ;2
dw 0000001111100000b ;3
dw 0000011111110000b ;4
dw 0000110111011000b ;5
dw 0001100111001100b ;6
dw 0011000111000110b ;7
dw 0000000111000000b ;8
dw 0000000111000000b ;9
dw 0000000111000000b ;10
dw 0000000111000000b ;11
dw 0000000111000000b ;12
dw 0000000111000000b ;13
dw 0000000111000000b ;14
dw 0000000111000000b ;15
dw 0000000111000000b ;16
dw 0000000111000000b ;17
dw 0000000111000000b ;18
dw 0000000111000000b ;19
dw 0000000111000000b ;20
dw 0000000111000000b ;21
dw 0000000000000000b ;1
dw 0000000000000000b ;2
dw 0000000000000000b ;3
dw 0000000000000000b ;4
dw 0000000001000000b ;5
dw 0000000001100000b ;6
dw 0000000000110000b ;7
dw 0000000000011000b ;8
dw 0000000000001100b ;9
dw 1111111111111110b ;10
dw 1111111111111111b ;11
dw 1111111111111110b ;12
dw 0000000000001100b ;13
dw 0000000000011000b ;14
dw 0000000000110000b ;15
dw 0000000001100000b ;16
dw 0000000001000000b ;17
dw 0000000000000000b ;18
dw 0000000000000000b ;19
dw 0000000000000000b ;20
dw 0000000000000000b ;21
dw 0000000000000000b ;1
dw 0000000000000000b ;2
dw 0000000000000000b ;3
dw 0000000000000000b ;4
dw 0000001000000000b ;5
dw 0000011000000000b ;6
dw 0000110000000000b ;7
dw 0001100000000000b ;8
dw 0011000000000000b ;9
dw 0111111111111111b ;10
dw 1111111111111111b ;11
dw 0111111111111111b ;12
dw 0011000000000000b ;13
dw 0001100000000000b ;14
dw 0000110000000000b ;15
dw 0000011000000000b ;16
dw 0000001000000000b ;17
dw 0000000000000000b ;18
dw 0000000000000000b ;19
dw 0000000000000000b ;20
dw 0000000000000000b ;21
dw 1000001000100000b ;1
dw 0000000000000010b ;2
dw 0010000101000000b ;3
dw 0000100000001000b ;4
dw 0000000000000000b ;5
dw 0000001111000000b ;6
dw 0011101001000000b ;7
dw 0011101001001100b ;8
dw 0111111111111110b ;9
dw 1000001111000001b ;10
dw 1000010000100001b ;11
dw 1000110000110001b ;12
dw 1000110000110001b ;13
dw 1000010000100001b ;14
dw 1000001111000001b ;15
dw 0111111111111110b ;16
dw 0000000000000000b ;17
dw 0000000000000000b ;18
dw 0000000000000000b ;19
dw 0000000000000000b ;20
dw 0000000000000000b ;21
bits 32
; 1) flush the buffer:
pxor mm0,mm0
mov edi,modifier_buffer
$base2__ equ $-4
movq [edi],mm0
add edi,byte 8
cmp edi,dword modifier_buffer+MBsize
$base2__ equ $-4
jnz loop_flush_modify
; 1') reset the variables: (clears the chained list)
mov edi,modifier_buffer+15
$base2__ equ $-4
and edi,-16 ; round up
mov [item_base],edi
$base2__ equ $-4
add edi,MBsize-16
mov [first_item],edi
$base2__ equ $-4
mov [max_item],edi
$base2__ equ $-4
; 2) scan the list:
mov esi,segments
$base2__ equ $-4
push esi
mov ecx,[XSIZESMC]
$base2__ equ $-4
movzx eax,word [esi]
mul ecx
shr eax,16
mov [x1],eax
$base2__ equ $-4
movzx eax,word [esi+4]
mul ecx
shr eax,16
mov [x2],eax
$base2__ equ $-4
mov ecx,[YSIZESMC]
$base2__ equ $-4
dec ecx
movzx eax,word [esi+2]
mul ecx
shr eax,16
inc eax
mov [y1],eax
$base2__ equ $-4
movzx eax,word [esi+6]
mul ecx
shr eax,16
inc eax
mov [y2],eax
$base2__ equ $-4
mov eax,[x1]
$base2__ equ $-4
cmp eax,[x2]
$base2__ equ $-4
je vertical
mov eax,[y1]
$base2__ equ $-4
cmp eax,[y2]
$base2__ equ $-4
je near horizontal
pop esi
add esi,8
cmp esi,end_segments
$base2__ equ $-4 ; bug... forgotten !
jb near loop_scan_segments
; if y1>y2 then
; j:=y1;
; y1:=y2;
; y2:=j;
mov eax,[y1]
$base2__ equ $-4
mov ecx,[y2]
$base2__ equ $-4
cmp eax,ecx
jbe no_exchange1
xchg eax,ecx
no_exchange1: ; eax=y1, ecx=y2
; mask:=1 shl (x1 and 15);
; x1:=(x1 and $FFF0) shr 1;
mov edx,1
mov ebx,[x1]
$base2__ equ $-4
movd mm0,edx
mov edx,ebx
and ebx,63
and edx,-64 ; x1=edx
movd mm1,ebx
psllq mm0,mm1 ; mask=mm0
;terminator 1:
; dir1:=A
; dir2:=D
; make_cell;
; dir1:=B
; dir2:=E
; make_cell;
; dir1:=C
; dir2:=F
; make_cell;
mov ebp,A + (D<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,B + (E<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,C + (F<<16)
call make_cell
; inc(y1);
; while y1<y2 do
; begin
; dir1:=2; {B,C}
; dir2:=3;
; make_cell;
; dir1:=1; {A,D}
; dir2:=4;
; make_cell;
; dir1:=5; {E,F}
; dir2:=6;
; make_cell;
; inc(y1);
; end ;
jmp short middle_of_the_loop1 ; "while" structure
mov ebp,B + (C<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,A + (D<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,E + (F<<16)
call make_cell
inc eax
cmp eax,ecx
jb while_loop1
; if y1=y2 then
; dir1:=1; {A,D}
; dir2:=4;
; make_cell;
; dir1:=2; {B,E}
; dir2:=5;
; make_cell;
; dir1:=3; {C,F}
; dir2:=6;
; make_cell;
cmp eax,ecx
jne near retour
mov ebp,A + (D<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,B + (E<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,C + (F<<16)
call make_cell
jmp retour
; if x1>x2 then
; j:=x1;
; x1:=x2;
; x2:=j;
mov ebx,[x1]
$base2__ equ $-4
mov ecx,[x2]
$base2__ equ $-4
cmp ebx,ecx
jbe no_exchange2
xchg ebx,ecx
no_exchange2: ; eax=y1, ecx=x2, ebx=x1
; j:=x1; {push}
; mask:=1 shl (x1 and 15);
; x1:=(x1 and $FFF0) shr 1;
mov edx,1
mov eax,[y1]
$base2__ equ $-4
movd mm0,edx
push ebx
mov edx,ebx
and ebx,63
and edx,-64 ; x1=edx
movd mm1,ebx
psllq mm0,mm1 ; mask=mm0
;terminator 1:
; dir1:=A
; dir2:=D
; make_cell;
; dir1:=B
; dir2:=E
; make_cell;
; dir1:=C
; dir2:=F
; make_cell;
mov ebp,A + (D<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,B + (E<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,C + (F<<16)
call make_cell
; x1:=j+1; {pop}
; dec (x2);
pop ebx
dec ecx
inc ebx
; while x1<x2 do
; m1:=x1 and $000F;
; x1:=x1 and $FFF0;
; m2:=x2-x1;
; if m2>15
; then m2:=15;
; mask:=65535 shr (15-m2);
; mask2:=(65535 shl m1);
; mask:=mask2 and mask;
; dir1:=2; {B,F}
; dir2:=6;
; make_cell;
; dir1:=3; {C,E}
; dir2:=5;
; make_cell;
; inc(x1,16);
jmp short middle_of_the_loop2 ; "while" structure
mov edx,ebx
and ebx,-64
and edx,63 ; m1=edx
mov ebp,ecx
sub ebp,ebx ; m2=ebp
cmp ebp,63
jbe no_saturation
mov ebp,63
neg ebp
add ebp,63
pcmpeqb mm0,mm0
movd mm1,ebp
psrlq mm0,mm1
pcmpeqb mm2,mm2
movd mm1,edx
psllq mm2,mm1
pand mm0,mm2
mov edx,ebx
mov ebp,B + (F<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,C + (E<<16)
call make_cell
add ebx,byte 64
cmp ebx,ecx
jb while_loop2
; inc(x2);
; mask:=1 shl (x2 and 15);
; x1:=(x2 and $FFF0) shr 1;
pcmpeqb mm0,mm0
lea ebx,[ecx+1]
mov edx,ebx
psrlq mm0,63
and ebx,byte 63
and edx,-64
movd mm1,ebx
psllq mm0,mm1
; dir1:=1; {A,D}
; dir2:=4;
; make_cell;
; dir1:=2; {B,E}
; dir2:=5;
; make_cell;
; dir1:=3; {C,F}
; dir2:=6;
; make_cell;
mov ebp,A + (D<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,B + (E<<16)
call make_cell
mov ebp,C + (F<<16)
call make_cell
jmp retour
;-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*MAJOR HEADACHE HERE*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
; calling convention:
; edx=X
; eax=Y
; ebp=directions
; mm0=mask
mov edi,eax
imul edi,[XSIZESMC] ; eax=y1*XSIZE
$base2__ equ $-4
mov byte [depassement],0
$base2__ equ $-5
lea edi,[dword edx+edi+WALL]
$mem__ equ $-4
; ebp=direction pointers
; edi=address
; esi=k
; ebx=l
; mm0=mask
; "kill" some particles:
pcmpeqb mm3,mm3
pxor mm3,mm0
movq mm1,[edi+A-WALL]
movq mm2,[edi+B-WALL]
pand mm1,mm3
pand mm2,mm3
movq [edi+A-WALL],mm1
movq [edi+B-WALL],mm2
movq mm1,[edi+C-WALL]
movq mm2,[edi+D-WALL]
pand mm1,mm3
pand mm2,mm3
movq [edi+C-WALL],mm1
movq [edi+D-WALL],mm2
movq mm1,[edi+E-WALL]
movq mm2,[edi+F-WALL]
pand mm1,mm3
pand mm2,mm3
movq [edi+E-WALL],mm1
movq [edi+F-WALL],mm2
%ifndef debugging
movq mm4,[edi+G-WALL]
pand mm4,mm3
movq [edi+G-WALL],mm4
; if the cell has already a list, test it
mov esi,[edi]
test esi,esi
jnz near add_element
; create a new list entry:
mov ebx,[max_item]
$base2__ equ $-4
; is it the very first cell of the buffer ?
cmp ebx,[first_item]
$base2__ equ $-4
je B_loop0 ; then inaugurate it !
movq mm1,mm0
movd ecx,mm0 ; ecx=mask[1/2]
psrlq mm1,32
movd edx,mm1 ; edx=mask[2/2]
; k is not needed anymore (since =0) -> esi=bswap(mask)
mov esi,ebp
ror esi,16 ; swap the "pointers"
; if c[l].a=l+1
lea eax,[ebx+16]
cmp eax,[ebx]
jne suite_loop4
; & if mask=c[l].d
cmp ecx,[ebx+8]
jne suite_loop4
cmp edx,[ebx+12]
jne suite_loop4
; if same directions
cmp ebp,[ebx+4]
je same_direction
cmp esi,[ebx+4]
jne suite_loop4
; 'link' the list to the tunnel:
mov [edi],ebx
sub ebx, byte 16
cmp ebx,[first_item]
$base2__ equ $-4 ; forgotten the '$' !!!!! :-(
jne B_loop4
; if the cell is not found then create a new one:
; create the first element of all the buffer:
lea eax,[ebx+16]
mov [ebx],eax
mov [edi],ebx
mov [ebx+4],ebp
movq [ebx+8],mm0
; naughty cut&paste
mov eax,[first_item]
$base2__ equ $-4
mov dx,MSG_CELLS
sub eax,byte 16
cmp eax,[item_base]
$base2__ equ $-4
jb near exit_with_message
mov [first_item],eax
$base2__ equ $-4
;ebp=dirs 1/2
;ecx=dirs 2/2
; m=c[k].a
; m1=m-1
; l=m1
mov ebx,[esi]
mov ecx,ebp ; dir2
sub ebx,byte 16 ; !!! instead of dec ebx !
mov [m1],ebx
$base2__ equ $-4
ror ecx,16 ; dir2/2
B_loop1: ; search loop: find a similar element in the current sublist
; if ((c[l].b=dir1) and (c[l].c=dir2))
; or((c[l].b=dir2) and (c[l].c=dir1))
cmp ebp,[ebx+4]
je B_found1
cmp ecx,[ebx+4]
jne near B_not_found1
; mask2:=c[l].d or mask;
; if mask2<>c[l].d then
; {complex search}
; else {same mask}
; if l<k then {don't change the pointer if the list has more cells than expected}
; im[y1,x1]:=l {link}
; mask2:=c[l].d or mask;
movq mm2,[ebx+8]
por mm2,mm0
; if mask2<>c[l].d
movd eax,mm2
movq mm1,mm2
cmp eax,[ebx+8]
jne modify_then_search
psrlq mm1,32
movd eax,mm1
cmp eax,[ebx+12]
jne modify_then_search
; here, it's the same mask (or at least a subset)
cmp ebx,esi
jae dont_link
mov [edi],ebx
; if the element was not found, then copy our sublist at the end
; and modify the mask on the fly
modify_then_search: ; fresh wet paint !
; n:=m-1; {end of our original list}
; o:=first_item+1;
; esi=beginning of our sublist
mov ebp,ebx
mov ebx,[first_item]
$base2__ equ $-4
lea ecx,[ebx+16] ; o = first_item = end of the sublist
mov edx,[m1] ; m-1 (end of our original sublist)
$base2__ equ $-4
; repeat
; c[first_item].a:=o;
; c[first_item].b:=c[n].b;
; c[first_item].c:=c[n].c;
; if n=l
; then c[first_item].d:=mask2;
; else c[first_item].d:=c[n].d;
mov eax,[edx+4]
movq mm1,[edx+8]
mov [ebx],ecx
mov [ebx+4],eax
cmp edx,ebp
jne no_change_mm1
movq mm1,mm2
movq [ebx+8],mm1
; dec(n);
; dec_first_item;
; until (n<k);
sub ebx,byte 16
sub edx,byte 16
cmp ebx,[item_base]
$base2__ equ $-4
jbe too_many_cells
cmp edx,esi
jae loop_repeat_copy_list2
add ebx, byte 16
jmp compress_list ; ensures the list is unique !
mov dx,MSG_CELLS
jmp SEL_CODE_16:Back_2_16b
; check for a mask collision !
; if (c[l].d & mask) != 0
movq mm5,[ebx+8] ;c[l].d
pand mm5,mm0 ;& mask
movq mm1,mm5
movq mm2,mm1
psrlq mm2,32
por mm1,mm2
movd eax,mm1
test eax,eax ; !=0
jz near no_mask_collision
; AND ((dir1=c[l].b)or(dir1=c[l].c)or(dir2=c[l].b)or(dir2=c[l].c))
cmp bp,[ebx+4]
je mask_collision
cmp cx,[ebx+4]
je mask_collision
cmp bp,[ebx+6]
je mask_collision
cmp cx,[ebx+6]
jne near no_mask_collision
; if depassement!=0 then goto B_loop8
test byte [depassement],-1
$base2__ equ $-5
jnz near copy_the_list
; else copy the list to the end, and modify elements on the fly:
; create "solid dots" at the crossing of lines.
; n:=m-1; {end of our original list}
; o:=first_item+1;
mov edx,esi ; limit=k ; bug ????
mov esi,[m1] ; m-1
$base2__ equ $-4
mov ebx,[first_item]
$base2__ equ $-4
lea ecx,[ebx+16] ; o
mov byte [depassement],0
$base2__ equ $-5
; amorce:
mov eax,ebp
movq mm1,mm0
add esi,byte 16 ; il y a un bug ici ???? (off-by-one)
jmp short middle_of_the_repeat
; repeat
; c[first_item].a:=o;
; c[first_item].b:=c[n].b;
; c[first_item].c:=c[n].c;
; c[first_item].d:=c[n].d;
mov eax,[esi+4]
movq mm1,[esi+8]
mov [ebx],ecx
mov [ebx+4],eax
cmp eax,A + (D<<16)
je modify_A
cmp eax,D + (A<<16)
jne modify_mask_B
or byte [depassement],1
$base2__ equ $-5
por mm1,mm5
jmp short end_modify_mask
cmp eax,B + (E<<16)
je modify_B
cmp eax,E + (B<<16)
jne modify_mask_C
or byte [depassement],2
$base2__ equ $-5
por mm1,mm5
jmp short end_modify_mask
cmp eax,C + (F<<16)
je modify_C
cmp eax,F + (C<<16)
jne mask_out
or byte [depassement],4
$base2__ equ $-5
por mm1,mm5
jmp short end_modify_mask
movq mm2,mm5
pandn mm2,mm1
movq mm1,mm2
movq [ebx+8],mm1
; dec(n);
; dec_first_item;
; until (n<k);
sub ebx,byte 16
sub esi,byte 16
cmp ebx,[item_base]
$base2__ equ $-4
jb near too_many_cells
cmp esi,edx
jae near loop_repeat_copy_list
; add elements to the list if they were not already present
test byte [depassement],1
$base2__ equ $-5
jnz no_A
mov [ebx],ecx
mov dword [ebx+4],A + (D << 16)
movq [ebx+8],mm5
sub ebx,byte 16
cmp ebx,[item_base]
$base2__ equ $-4
jb near too_many_cells
test byte [depassement],2
$base2__ equ $-5
jnz no_B
mov [ebx],ecx
mov dword [ebx+4],B + (E << 16)
movq [ebx+8],mm5
sub ebx,byte 16
cmp ebx,[item_base]
$base2__ equ $-4
jb near too_many_cells
test byte [depassement],4
$base2__ equ $-5
jnz no_C
mov [ebx],ecx
mov dword [ebx+4],C + (F << 16)
movq [ebx+8],mm5
sub ebx,byte 16
cmp ebx,[item_base]
$base2__ equ $-4
jb near too_many_cells
add ebx,byte 16
jmp compress_list
; dec(l);
; if l>=k then goto loop1;
sub ebx,byte 16
cmp ebx,esi
jae near B_loop1
; it is the end of the list. is it the end of the block ?
; if l=first_item then
;{end of the list reached: we can add an element}
; c[l].a:=m;
; goto loop2
mov eax,[esi]
cmp ebx,[first_item]
$base2__ equ $-4
jne not_the_end1
mov [ebx],eax
mov [ebx+4],ebp
movq [ebx+8],mm0
jmp compress_list
; else
; if c[l].a=m then
; depassement:=1;
; goto loop1; {continue as long as we are on the same list}
; else
; copy the list
cmp eax,[ebx]
jne copy_the_list
mov byte [depassement],-1
$base2__ equ $-5
jmp B_loop1
; n:=m-1; {end of our original list}
; o:=first_item+1;
mov edx,esi ; limit=k
mov esi,[m1] ; m-1
$base2__ equ $-4
mov ebx,[first_item]
$base2__ equ $-4
lea ecx,[ebx+16] ; o
; repeat
; c[first_item].a:=o;
; c[first_item].b:=c[n].b;
; c[first_item].c:=c[n].c;
; c[first_item].d:=c[n].d;
mov eax,[esi+4]
movq mm1,[esi+8]
mov [ebx],ecx
mov [ebx+4],eax
movq [ebx+8],mm1
; dec(n);
; dec_first_item;
; until (n<k);
sub ebx,byte 16
sub esi,byte 16
cmp ebx,[item_base]
$base2__ equ $-4
jb near too_many_cells
cmp esi,edx
jae loop_repeat_copy_list0
; c[first_item].a:=o;
; c[first_item].b:=dir1;
; c[first_item].c:=dir2;
; c[first_item].d:=mask;
; im[y1,x1]:=first_item;
; dec_first_item;
mov [ebx],ecx
mov [ebx+4],ebp
movq [ebx+8],mm0
; jmp compress_list
; searches the current sublist with everything in the
; whole cell pool. if there is the same sublist somewhere else,
; then link it, else validate the new sublist.
; 1) search a similar subelement
; p1="head" element of our sublist
; p2=maxitem
; if *p1<>*p2 then
; dec p2
; if p2<first_item then
; first_item==p1, link [edi]=p1, popad ret.
; else goto l0;
; else
; (compare the sublist with the list that we found:)
; if sublist lengths are different then goto l1
; p3=p2
; p4=p1
; if *p4<>*p3 then goto l1
; inc p3, inc p4
; if p4<c[l].d then goto l2
; (the lists are the same, so we link it)
; [edi]=p2
; edi=current address in the tunnel
; ebx=pointer to the beginning of our sublist
; other registers: not trustable.
;search a similar subelement:
; p1=ebx (end of the sublist)
; p2=ecx (end of the whole list)
mov ecx,[max_item]
$base2__ equ $-4
; WARNING: slow and naughty code follows. don't let children watch.
mov eax,[ebx+4] ; compare the directions
cmp eax,[ecx+4]
je B_found2
ror eax,16
cmp eax,[ecx+4]
je B_found2
sub ecx,byte 16
cmp ecx,[first_item]
$base2__ equ $-4
ja B_search1
; no element matched the sublist, we "register" it
mov [edi],ebx
sub ebx, byte 16
cmp ebx,[item_base]
$base2__ equ $-4
jb near too_many_cells
mov [first_item],ebx
$base2__ equ $-4
B_found2: ; compare the masks
mov eax,[ebx+8]
cmp eax,[ecx+8]
jne B_not_found2
mov eax,[ebx+12]
cmp eax,[ecx+12]
jne B_not_found2
mov eax,[ebx]
sub eax,ebx
add eax,ecx
cmp eax,[ecx]
jne B_not_found2
; scan the sublist:
; (compare the sublist with the list that we found:)
; if sublist lengths are different then goto l1
; p3=c[l].a
; p4=c[p1].a
; if *p4<>*p3 then goto l1
; dec p3, dec p4
; if p4>p1 then goto l2 (don't scan the same elements twice :-D)
; (the lists are the same, so we link it)
; [edi]=p2
; p4=esi
; p3=edx
mov esi,[ecx]
mov edx,[ebx]
sub esi,byte 16
sub edx,byte 16
; compare the directions:
mov eax,[edx+4]
cmp eax,[esi+4]
je B_found3
ror eax,16
cmp eax,[esi+4]
jne B_not_found2
B_found3: ; compare the masks
mov eax,[edx+8]
cmp eax,[esi+8]
jne B_not_found2
mov eax,[edx+12]
cmp eax,[esi+12]
jne B_not_found2
; no need to compare the list size
sub edx,byte 16
sub esi,byte 16
cmp edx,ebx
ja B_search_sublist
mov [edi],ecx
; sub ebx, byte 16
; mov [first_item],ebx ; bug de fatigue: recopie
; de mémoire sans se rappeler du contexte
;$base2__ equ $-4
;************ DATA ************
align 4
depassement: dd 0
first_item: dd 0
max_item: dd 0
item_base: dd 0
m1: dd 0
x1: dd 0
y1: dd 0
x2: dd 0
y2: dd 0
; x1,y1,x2,y2
dw 0, 0,-1, 0
dw -1, 0,-1,-1
dw -1,-1, 0,-1
dw 0,-1, 0, 0
;dw 15000,15000,20000,15000
;dw 20000,15000,20000,20000
;dw 20000,20000,15000,20000
;dw 15000,20000,15000,15000
;dw 5000,15000,25000,15000
;dw 2000,56000,45000,56000
;dw 2000,55000,45000,55000
;dw 40000,47000,40000,60000
;dw 45000,50000,45000,64000
;dw 20000,0,20000,32000
;dw 20000,33000,20000,-1
end_segments equ $
align 8
TSC: dd 0
cycle_count : dd 0
limit: dd -1
XSIZESMC: dd 574;1024 ;960
YSIZESMC: dd 400; 640 ;736
zoom: dd 4 ; between 0 and 6
; normal resolution: 4=1:1
; zoom out: half res: 5=2:1, fourth res: 6=4:1
; zoom in: 3=1:2, 2=1:4, 1=1:8, 0=1:16 (not working now)
strip_count: dd 1
tunnel_x: dd 0
tunnel_y: dd 0
mouse_buttons: db 0 ; gets loaded in CL
mouse_count: db 0 ; byte counter in CH
mouse_buffer: db 0,0 ; in DX
pause_flag: db 1
escape_count: db 3
; 252: number background
db 0,0,30 ; blue
; 253: number foreground
db 0,63,0 ; light green
; 254: the mouse cursor:
db 63,63,63 ; white
; 255: the background:
db 0,0,0 ; black
size_palette equ $-color_palette
;* DATA that CAN be overwritten: *
align 8
; some register backup room overwriting the setup time messages
; (they won't be used anymore)
backup_mm0 equ $ ;
backup_mm1 equ $+8 ;
backup_mm2 equ $+16 ;
backup_mm3 equ $+24 ; these ones are used by the mouse handler
backup_mm4 equ $+32 ;
backup_mm5 equ $+40 ;
backup_mm6 equ $+48 ;
backup_mm7 equ $+56 ;
bmm0 equ $+64 ;
bmm1 equ $+72 ;
bmm2 equ $+80 ;
bmm3 equ $+88 ; used by the keyboard
bmm4 equ $+96 ;
bmm5 equ $+104 ;
bmm6 equ $+112 ;
bmm7 equ $+120 ;
;backup_2_0 equ $+64
;backup_2_1 equ $+72; used by the MP
; relocation label table here:
%include "out.inc"
; SETUP time error messages (130 overwritable bytes)
MSG_MMX: db "No MMX$"
MSG_PROT_MODE: db "Run without EMM386 or Windows$"
MSG_NO_MOUSE: db "Serial mouse not found on COM1$"
MSG_NO_XMS: db "Not enough XMS$"
MSG_WRONG_MOUSE_PORT: db "Can't get the mouse IRQ on COM1$"
MSG_NO_VESA: db "VESA not found$"
align 8
; structure of the block returned by the VESA BIOS
VbeSignature: db 'VBE2' ; VBE Signature, for extended informations
VbeVersion dw 0200h ; VBE Version
OemStringPtr equ VbeInfoBlock+6 ;dd Pointer to OEM String
Capabilities equ VbeInfoBlock+10 ;dd Capabilities of graphics cont.
VideoModePtr equ VbeInfoBlock+14 ;dd Pointer to Video Mode List
TotalMemory equ VbeInfoBlock+18 ;dw Number of 64kb memory blocks
OemSoftwareRev equ VbeInfoBlock+20 ;dw VBE implementation Software revision
OemVendorNamePtr equ VbeInfoBlock+22 ;dd Pointer to Vendor Name String
OemProductNamePtr equ VbeInfoBlock+26 ;dd Pointer to Product Name String
OemProductRevPtr equ VbeInfoBlock+30 ;dd Pointer to Product Revision String
Reserved equ VbeInfoBlock+34 ;times 222 db 0 ; Reserved for scratch
OemData equ VbeInfoBlock+256;times 256 db 0 ; Data Area for OEM Strings
; Info block for a specified video mode: (overwrites VbeInfoBlock)
ModeInfoBlock equ VbeInfoBlock
ModeAttributes equ ModeInfoBlock ; dw mode attributes
WinAAttributes equ ModeInfoBlock+2 ; db window A attributes
WinBAttributes equ ModeInfoBlock+3 ; db window B attributes
WinGranularity equ ModeInfoBlock+4 ; dw window granularity
WinSize equ ModeInfoBlock+6 ; dw window size
WinASegment equ ModeInfoBlock+8 ; dw window A start segment
WinBSegment equ ModeInfoBlock+10 ; dw window B start segment
WinFuncPtr equ ModeInfoBlock+12 ; dd pointer to window function
BytesPerScanLine equ ModeInfoBlock+16 ; dw bytes per scan line
XResolution equ ModeInfoBlock+18 ; dw horizontal resolution
YResolution equ ModeInfoBlock+20 ; dw vertical resolution
XCharSize equ ModeInfoBlock+22 ; db character cell width
YCharSize equ ModeInfoBlock+23 ; db character cell height
NumberOfPlanes equ ModeInfoBlock+24 ; db number of memory planes
BitsPerPixel equ ModeInfoBlock+25 ; db bits per pixel
NumberOfBanks equ ModeInfoBlock+26 ; db number of banks
MemoryModel equ ModeInfoBlock+27 ; db memory model type
BankSize equ ModeInfoBlock+28 ; db bank size in KB
NumberOfImagePages equ ModeInfoBlock+29 ; db number of images
Reserved_2 equ ModeInfoBlock+30 ; db reserved for page function
RedMaskSize equ ModeInfoBlock+31 ; db size of direct color red mask
RedFieldPosition equ ModeInfoBlock+32 ; db bit position of lsb of red mask
GreenMaskSize equ ModeInfoBlock+33 ; db size of direct color green mask
GreenFieldPosition equ ModeInfoBlock+34 ; db bit position of lsb of green mask
BlueMaskSize equ ModeInfoBlock+35 ; db size of direct color blue mask
BlueFieldPosition equ ModeInfoBlock+36 ; db bit position of lsb of blue mask
RsvdMaskSize equ ModeInfoBlock+37 ; db size of direct color reserved mask
RsvdFieldPosition equ ModeInfoBlock+38 ; db bit position of lsb of reserved mask
DirectColorModeInfo equ ModeInfoBlock+39 ; db direct color mode attributes
PhysBasePtr equ ModeInfoBlock+40 ; dd physical address for flat frame buffer
OffScreenMemOffset equ ModeInfoBlock+44 ; dd pointer to start of off screen memory
OffScreenMemSize equ ModeInfoBlock+48 ; dw amount of off screen memory in 1k units
Reserved_3 equ ModeInfoBlock+50 ; db 206 dup (?) remainder
AP_stack equ OemData+256-4
; the AP's stack expands down from here
AP_landing_zone equ AP_stack+4
MP_stack_top equ AP_landing_zone+5116
; the main processor's stack expands down from here
BMP_buffer equ MP_stack_top+4
modifier_buffer equ BMP_buffer+1024
the_end_of_it_all equ modifier_buffer + MBsize
;* THE END *